Von Neumann System

London Corn Exchange



"The greatest single intellectual mistake in my career occurred when Schumpeter came to me in 1938 or '39 and asked me to report on a very important new publication: the von Neumann paper given at the Menger seminar...I rashly judged it to be totally unrealistic...[and] reported back to Schumpeter that it was no more than a piece of mathematical ingenuity, failing to see that it contained two aspects close to Schumpeter's heart - a rigorous solution to Walras's central problem and a demonstration that the rate of profit arose from growth not a quantity of capital...I found no reference [in Schumpeter's History] to what now appears to me to be one of the great seminal works of this century, the omission being possibly the result of my own blindness."

(Richard M. Goodwin, "Personal Perspective on Mathematical Economics", BNLQR, 1985).



In John von Neumann's 1937 system we have "production of commodities by means of commodities" - akin to a Sraffa-Leontief classical system. But it also introduces activity analysis, duality, slack conditions, fixed-point theorems, disaggregate capital and other concepts profitably used in later Walrasian general equilibrium theory.


Activity Analysis Technology:

von Neumann introduces "activity analysis" structure. A technological "process" or an "activity" is the method by which one combines inputs to produce outputs.

There are k technological processes indexed m = 1....k. The "intensity of use" of the mth process denoted by coefficient 0 £zm£ 1. By intensity, we mean the proportion of the total economy that uses that process. Thus:
If, for any mth process, zm = 0, then the mth process is not used at all.
If zm = 1 then the mth process is used at "full intensity" (i.e. all the economy's output uses this process).
Thus the intensity of use of a single process, zm, is measured as the fraction of total output produced dedicated to using process m.

Let there be n commodities indexed i = 1, ..., n.
ami denotes use of commodity i as an input in process m if m is used at full intensity.
bmi denotes output of commodity i by process m if m is used at full intensity.


zmami is the demand for input i by process m
zmbmi is the output of commodity i from the process m.

We have n prices, pi from i = 1...n normalized in a unit simplex (i.e. åpi = 1)

Conditions with No Growth:

(1) Quantity Side:

Let an economy be "self-replacing" (produces outputs that it needs as inputs with the same set of intensities). Thus, total output of good i from all processes must be sufficient to meet total demand for good i as an input into all processes:

åmk bmi zm ³ å mk amizm

If total output exceeds total input demand (strict inequality holds) for any good i then pi = 0 (excess supply of i implies i is a free good). Letting z be an intensity vector and A the input matrix (typical element = ami) and B the output matrix (typical element = bmi), this system can be rewritten:


(2) Price Side:

Assuming an independent budget for each process and perfect competition (no rents), then total revenue obtained from the sale of output of a process cannot exceed the costs of inputs in the process:

åin pibmi £ å in piami i.e. the value of output of process m (assumed here at unit intensity) must be enough to cover the costs of using process m. If for any process m, total costs of inputs exceeds total revenue then zm = 0 (i.e. excess costs imply process m will not be used at all). Again, assuming p is a price vector, then:

pB £ pA

Conditions (with growth)

We assume intensity grows at the balanced exponential rate (1+g). Thus, zm(t+1) = (1+g)zm(t). Thus, for the quantity side, total outputs in this period must meet total input demands in the next period, i.e.

åmk bmizm ³ (1+g)åmk amizm



Similarly, we assume a uniform rate of profit (surplus) which gives us a rate of decay of price: pi(t+1) = pi(t)/(1+r). Thus the surplus is transformed into a simple uniform rate of interest for intertemporal discounting. We thus obtain:

åin pibmi £ (1+r)å in piami or:

pB £(1+r)pA

Further restrictions are imposed by von Neumann (1937) including non-negativity of z and p and the condition that every good is part of every process either as input or as output. This last was loosened by Kemeny, Morgenstern and Thompson (1956) and replaced with:

(1) For every process m, there is some i such that ami > 0
(2) For every good i, there is some process m such that bmi > 0
(3) output value, pBz > 0.

These are often known as the "KMT" conditions. An appropriate fixed point theorem proves existence of solution for quadruplet (z*, p*, g*, r*).


There will be a pair (p*, z*) which solves our equation and gives us the Golden Rule, g* = r* for a maximal growth rate and a minimal interest rate. The Golden Rule can be easily shown. By the excess supply rule for free goods, then pre-multiplying the first equation by the price vector:

pBz = (1+g)pAz

where the strict equality will hold by the free goods assumption. Similarly, by the excess cost rule, then post-multiplying the second equation by the intensity vector:

pBz = (1+r)pAz

where the strict equality holds by the excess cost assumption. Then, obviously:

g* = r* = pBz/pAz - 1

Thus the solution, the von Neumann "ray", will have maximum growth and minimal profit rate equal to each other (Golden Rule).

Outline of Proof:

John von Neumann used his 1928 game-theoretic "minimax" theorem of saddlepoint as contraction mapping:

miny¦(x0, y) = ¦(x0, y0) = maxx¦(x, y0)

i.e. if min and max are contractible for ¦(x0, y0), then ¦ has a saddle point. So, think of a game of "Producer" versus "Competition": Producer attempts to maximize growth, competition attempts to minimize profits. Recall that we want (z, g) from quantity side and (p, r) from price side. So game is as follows:

Producer (Quantity Side): for given z, take smallest g, i.e. (1+g) = mini (Bz/Az). Then choose z which yields the highest of the minimum g, i.e. find z such that (1+g)* = maxmmini(Bz/Az). The existence of a maximum g* is guaranteed by KMT(1).

Competition (Price Side): for given p, take maximum r, i.e. (1+r) = maxm(pB/pA). Then choose p which yields the lowest of the maximum r, i.e. find p such that (1+r)* = minimaxm(pB/pA). Existence of minumum r* exists by KMT(2).

Then construct mapping F (p, z) = pBz/pAz (which is positive by KMT(3)). von Neumann then shows that given a z = z0, then this function reaches a minimum for p whereas, given p = p0, then this function reaches a maximum for z. If there is a solution, then that solution is characterized as

minp F(p, z0) = maxzF(p0, z) = F(p0, z0)

so the solution to the system, F (p0, z0) = F(p*, z*), is the saddlepoint. Does it exist? Take a particular z0 and associated with this vector is a non-empty, convex, compact set of price vectors P(z0) each of which minimize the function F(p, z0). Equivalently, with some initial p0, we can associate a non-empty, convex, compact set of intensity vectors, Z(p0), each of which maximize the function F(p0, z). A "fixed point" is a pair of vectors (p*, z*) Î (P(z*), Z(p*)). von Neumann provides sufficient conditions for the existence of such a fixed point and proves that it is the saddlepoint.

Go on to "Von Neumann System with Consumption"


Selected References:

John von Neumann (1937) "Über ein ökonomisches Gleichungssystem und eine Verallgemeinerung des Brouwerschen Fixpunktsatzes",  1937, in K. Menger, editor, Ergebnisse eines mathematischen Kolloquiums, 1935-36. [English 1945 trans. as "A Model of General Economic Equilibrium", Review of Economic Studies, Vol. 13 (1), p.1-9.].

J.G. Kemeny, O. Morgenstern and G.L. Thompson (1956) "A Generalization of the von Neumann Model of an Expanding Economy", Econometrica, Vol. 24 (2), p.115-35.

M. Dore, S. Chaktravarty and R. Goodwin (1989), editors, John von Neumann and Modern Economics. Oxford: Clarendon Press.





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