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John Calvin, 1509-1564

John Calvin (Jean Cauvin) was a 16th Century French Protestant theologian, architect of Reformed Christianity ("Calvinism") and leader of the theocratic republic of Geneva from 1541.

Although Calvin is not the inventor of Reformed tradition in Christianity, his name became closely associated with it and the terms "Reformed" and "Calvinism" are often used interchangeably.   Calvin's principle theological work was the Institutes of Christian Religion (1536, definitive ed. 1559).  

Calvin's doubts on usury are found in his 1545 letter to Claude de Sachins, where he notes simply that "I do not consider that usury is wholly forbidden among us, except it be repugnant to justice and charity."  He is more explicit in his Commentaries on Jeremiah (pub. 1575).  Calvin finds no condemnation of usury per se in the Bible, just excessive usury, and at any rate conditional on the situation of the time.  But his real contribution was going further and demolishing the old Scholastic arguments about the unnaturalness of "money begetting money", by emphasizing the relationship of credit to economic activity.  "Why should the lender be cheated of his just due, if the money profits the other man, and he be the richer of the two?"

Calvin outlines his opinion in his juridical consult "De Usuris" (Opera, v.10, p.245). Here Calvin states that usury is permissible, but only on commercial loans, and subject to additional conditions, notably, that it never be demanded of the poor & needy, that the lender not be addicted to gain, that there be no further conditions on the loan contract that might be contrary to Christ's commandments, where the borrower will end up profiting more than the lender (i.e. unlawful usury is only that which harms the borrower), that the loan will likely to do more good than harm to the commonwealth, and that the interest charged not exceed maximum limits laid out in other countries.  Calvin's thought on usury were likely influenced by Charles Dumoulin's 1546 tract.

"Calvinism" is  credited by Max Weber and R.H. Tawney for setting up the social and ideological tone for the capitalist era that was to come much later.



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Major Works of John Calvin

  • "Epistola", 1531, in Nicholas Duchemin, Antapologia, p.x
  • L. Annaei Senecae, Romani Senatoris, ac Philosophi clarissimi libri duo de Clementia, 1532 [bk]
  • Psychopannychia, qua refellitur corum error, qui animas post mortem usque ad ultimum judicium dormire putant, 1534, [1542 ed; retitled "Vivere apud Christum", bk], ["Psychopannychia, or the soul's imaginary sleep between death and judgment", 1851 Tracts, v.3, p.413]
  • Institutes of the Christian Religion, 1536
  • [1559 def]
    • 1st Latin ed. (1536, Basel): Christianae Religionis Institutio, totam fere pietatis summam, et quicquid est in doctrina salutis cognitu necessarium, complectens: omnibus pietatis studiosis lectu dignissimum opus, ac recens editum - six chapters
    • 2nd Latin ed. (1539, Strasbourg), Institutio Christianae Religionis nune vere demum titulo suo respondens - twelve chapters [av]
    • 3rd Latin ed. (1559, Geneva) Institutio Christianiae Religionis, in libros quator nunc primum digesta certisque distincta capitibus, ad aptissimam methodum, aucta etiam tam magna accessione ut propemodum opus novum haberi possit - definitive edition [av]
    • Latin reprints:  [1543 ed], [1561 ed], [Abrid. Eptiome, 1586, bk] [1834-35 ed, v.1, v.2]
    • French trans.: Institution de la religion Chrestienne  [1541 ed., 1545 ed, 1551 ed.] [repr: 1553 ed, 1554 ed, 1557 ed] [1560 def. ed.], [1562 repr, 1565 repr] [1818 Icard trans,  v.1, v.2, v.3; 1880 ed]
    • English trans: Institutes of the Christian Religion [1561 Norton trans; 1762 repr], [1816 Allen trans, v.1, v.2, v.3, 1843 ed, v.1, v.2] [1846 Beveridge trans. v.3; 1863 ed v.1. v.2]  [crta]
  • Catechisme, 1536 (Fr) [Latin: Catechismus sive christianae religionis Institutio, 1538 ed], [Def ed., 1541 (Fr),  1544 (Lat) Catechismus Ecclesiae Genevensis] [Fr: 1552 repr, Lat: 1547 repr, 1550 repr], [Eng: Catechism of the Church of Geneva 1815 trans bk; 1849, Tracts, v.2, p.33]
  • Epistolae duae, de rebus ho saeculo cognitu apprime necessariis, prima de fugiendis impiorum illicitis sacris et puritate Christianae religionies; secunda de Christiani hominis officio in sacerdotiis papalis ecclesiae vel administrandis vel abjiciendis, 1537 [bk] [1543 Fr: trans: "Petit traité montrant que c'est que doit faire un homme fidèle connaissant la vérité de l'évangile, quand il est entre les papists"], ["The Sinfulness of Outward Conformity to Romish Rites" 1851 Tracts, v.3, p.358]
  • Jacobi Sadoleti Romani Cardinalis Epistola ad Senatum populumque Genevensum qua in obedientiam Romani Pontificis eos reducere conatur, Johannis Calvinus responsio, 1539  [bk] [Fr 1540 ed]. ["Reply by John Calvin to Letter by Cardinal Sadolet to the Senate and People of Geneva", 1844 Tracts, v.1 p.25]
  • De la cene de Seigneur, 1540 [1541 retitled Petit Traicte de la sainte cene de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ, bk], ["Short Treatise on the Lord's Supper", 1849, Tracts, v.2, p.163]
  • Prefaces, 1540, to Olivetan trans. La Bible.
  • Formes des prieres ecclesiastiques avec la maniere d'administrer les sacremens, celebrer le mariage, & la visitation des malades, 1541 [1550 ed] [Latin 1552 ed: Formula Sacramentorum administrandorum bk] [English 1849, Tracts, v.2: "Forms of Prayer",  p.95, "Form of Administering the Sacraments",  p.114, Visitation of the Sick",  p.127]
  • Les actes de la journee imperiale, tenue en la cité de Reguespourg, dur les differens qui son auiourdhuy en la Religion, 1542 [bk]
  • Articuli a Facultate Sacrae Theologiae Parisiensi determinati super materiis fidei nostrae hodie controversis, cum antidoto, 1542 [Fr 1543 trans. "Les articles de la sacre faculte de theologie de Paris concernant notre foi et religion chretienne et forme de precher"],  ["Articles agreed upon by the Faculty of Sacred Theology of Paris on articles of faith, at present controverted, with the antidote",  1844, Tracts, v.1, p.72]
  • Defensio sanae et orthodoxae doctrinae de servitute et liberatione humani arbitriio, adversus calumnias Alberti Pighii Campensis, 1543 [bk]  [Fr 1560 trans. "Response aux calomnies d'Albert Pighius contenant la défense de la saine et saincte doctrine contre le franc arbitre des papistes, par laquelle est monstré que la volonté de l'homme est naturellement serve et captive de péché"], [Eng. 1996 trans. "The Bondage and Liberation of the Will"]
  • Supplex Exhortatio ad invicticissum Caesarem Carolum Quintum et illustrissimos principes aliosque ordines Spirae nun Imperii conventum agentes ut restitutuendae ecclesiase cura serio velint suscipere, 1543 [bk], [Fr 1544 trans. "Supplication et Remonstrance sur le faict de la Chrestiénte et de la Reformation de l'Eglise adressée a l'Empereur et aux Etats de Spire" bk], [The Necessity of Reforming the Church, presented to the Imperial Diet at Speyer, 1543 [1844 Tracts, v.1, p.121] [html]
  • Traité des reliques, ou Advertissement tres utile du grand proffit qui reviendroit a la Chrestienté, s'il se faisoit inventoire de tous les corps sainctz, & reliques, qui sont tant en Italie, qu'en France , Alemaigne, Hespaigne, & autres Royaumes & pays,  1543 [bk] [1599 ed] ["An Admonition, showing the Advantages which Christendom might derive from an Inventory of Relics",  1844, Tracts, v.1, p.289] [new 1854 trans. A Treatise on Relics, 1871 ed]
  • Admonitio Paterna Pauli III Romani Pontificis ad invictiss Caesarem Carolum V, qua eum castigat, quod se Lutheranis praebuerit nimis facilem, deinde quod tum cogenda synodo, tum in definiendis fidei controversiis aliquid potestatis sibi sumpserit, cum Scholiis, 1544 [1545 ed], ["Remarks on the Letter of Pope Paul III to Emperor Charles V",  1844, Tracts, v.1, p.257]
  • Brieve instruction pour armer tout bon fidèles contre les erreurs de la secte commune des Anabaptistes, 1544 [bk] [1545 ed] [Eng. trans. Against Anabaptists]
  • Aux ministre de l'Eglise de Neufchastel, contre la secte fantastique et furieux des Libertins, qui se disent Spirituels, 1544 [1547 ed.], [Eng. trans. Against the Libertines]
  • Excuse a messieurs les Nicodemites, sur la complaincte qu'ilz font de sa trop gran rigeur, 1544 [bk]
  • De vitandis superstitionibus, excusatione ad Pseudo-Nicodemos, cum daubus epistolis ad ministros Ecclesiae Tigurinae, 1545 [1549 ed, 1550 ed], [Engl trans. "What a faithfull man, whiche is instructe in the word of God, ought to do, dwellinge among he Papistes"]
  • [pseud. "Nicolas des Gallars"] Pro G. Farello et Collegis ejus adversus Petri Caroli Theologastri calumnaias, defensio Nicolai Gallasii, 1545  [bk] [Fr 1565 trans "Traité sur la divinité de Christ contre les Arriens"]
  • "Preface" in La Somme de Theologie de Melanchthon, 1546
  • "Contre un Franciscain, sectateur des erreurs des Libertins, adressé a l'eglise de Rouan, 20 Aout 1547" [app. to 1547 edition of Against Libertines]
  • Acta Synodi Tridentineae cum Antidoto, 1547 [bk], [Fr: Les actes du concile de Trente, avec le remede contre la poison, 1548 bk], ["Acts of the Council of Trent with Antidote" 1851 Tracts, v.3, p.17]
  • Apologia illustris D. Jacobi à Burgundia, Fallesii, Bredanique Domini, qua apud Imperatoriam Majestatem inustas sibi criminationes dilluit, fideique suae confessionem edit, 1547 [French 1548, L'Excuse de noble Seigneur Jacques de Bourgogne, 1896 ed]
  • Interim Adultero-Germanum, cui adiecta est vera christianae pacificationis, et ecclesiae reformandae ratio, 1549 [bk], [1579 Lat ed], [Fr 1549, L'Interim, ou provision faite en quelques villes d'Allemagne sur le differends de la Religion, avec la vraie facon de reformer l'Eglise Chrestienne. bk]  ["The Adultero-German Interim, with Refutation", 1851 Tracts, v.3, p.189]
  • Advertissement contre l'Astrolgie, qu'on apelle Judiciaire, et autres curiositez qui regnent aujourd'huy dans le monde, 1549 [bk] [Lat 1549 Admonitio adversus Astrologiam, bk], ["An Admonition agaynst Astrology Juridicial and other curiosities that raigne now in the world"]
  • Consensio Mutua in Re Sacramentaria Ministrorum Tigurinae ecclesiae, & D. Joannis Calvini ministri Genevensis ecclesiae, iam nunc ab ipsis authoribus edita, undated, c.1549 [bk] [1551 ed], [Fr. 1551 ed, L'Accord passe et conclud touchant la matiere des sacremens, entre les Ministres de l'Eglise de Zurich, & Maistre Jehan Calvin Ministre de l'Eglise de Geneve, bk] ["Consensus Tigurinus: Mutual Consent as to the Sacraments", 1849, Tracts, v.2, p.199]
  • De Aeterna Praedestinatione et Providentia, 1550 [1552 ed], [Fr "Traitté de la predestination éternelle de Dieu"]
  • Des scandales qui empeschent auiourdhuy beaucoup de gens de venir a la pure doctrine de l'Evangile, et en desbauchent d'autres, 1551 [bk]
  • Quatre sermons de M. Iehan Calvin traictans des matières fort utiles pour nostre temps, 1552 [Eng. "Four Godlye Sermons against peril of idolatry"]
  • Defensio Orthodoxae fidei de Sacra Trinitate contra prodigiosos errores Michaelis Serveti Hispani, 1554 [bk] [Fr 1554 Declaration pour maintenir la vraye foy que tiennent tous les Chrestiens de la Trinité des persones en un seul Dieu, contre les erreurs detestables de Michel Servet Espaignol, bk]
  • Defensio sanae et orthodoxae doctrinae de Sacramentis, eorumqeue natura, vi, fine, usu et fructu, quam pastores et ministri Tigurinae ecclesiae et Genevensis antehac brevi consensionis mutuae formula complexi sunt, 1555 [bk] [Fr 1555 trans Brieve resolution sur les disputes que ont été de notre temps quant aux sacrements, contenant l'approbation de l'accord fait par ci-devant entre les ministres et pasteurs des Eglises de Zurich et Geneve, touchant la nature, vertu, fin usage et fruit des sacrements, bk], 
  • Secunda defensio piae et orthodoxae de sacramentis fidei contra Joachimi Westphali calumnias, 1556 [bk] ["Second Defence of the Sacraments, in answer to the calumnies of Joachim Westphal", 1849, Tracts, v.2, p.245]
  • Reformation pour imposer silence a un certain bélitre nommé Anthoine Cathelan, jadis Cordelier d'Albigeois, 1556
  • Ultima admonitio ad Joachimum Westphalum, cui nisi obtemperet, co loco posthac habendus erit, quo pertinaces haeretios haberi jubet Paulus, 1557 [bk] ["Last Admonition to Joachim Westphal", 1849, Tracts, v.2, p.346]
  • Brevis responsio Joannis Calvini, ad diluendas nebulonis cujusdam calumnias, quibus doctrinam de aeterna Dei praedestinatione foedare conatus est, 1557 [Fr. 1557 tran. Response aux calomnies et arguments, d'un qui s'efforce par tous moyens de renverser la doctrine de la providence secrette de Dieu, 1559 ed] [1840 Lillie trans, "Calvin on Secret Providence", bk]
  • Responsum ad quaestiones Georgii Biandratae, 1559
  • Responsum ad frates Polonos, quomodo mediator sit Christus, ad refutandum Stancari errorem, 1560
  • #"Forms of Prayer", [1849, Tracts, v.2, p.95]
  • #[Latin: Formula Sacramentorum administrandorum, 1552, bk] [English: "Form of Administering the Sacraments", 1849, Tracts, v.2, p.114]
  • #"Visitation of the Sick", [1849, Tracts, v.2, p.127]
  • "Brief Confession of Faith", [1849, Tracts, v.2, p.130]
  • "Confession of Faith of the Reformed Churches of France", 1562 [1849, Tracts, v.2, p.137]
  • #"Short Treatise on the Lord's Supper", [1849, Tracts, v.2, p.163]
  • # "Mutual Consent as to the Sacraments" (Consensus Tigurinus), 1549 [1849, Tracts, v.2, p.199]
  • # "Second Defence of the Sacraments, in answer to the calumnies of Joachim Westphal", 1561, [1849, Tracts, v.2, p.245]
  • # "Last Admonition to Joachim Westphal", [1849, Tracts, v.2, p.346]
  • "True Partaking of the Flesh and Blood of Christ", [1849, Tracts, v.2, p.495]
  • "Best Method of Concord on the Sacraments", [1849, Tracts, v.2, p.573]
  • # The Sinfulness of Outward Conformity to Romish Rites, 1537  [1851 Tracts, v.3, p.358]
  • # "Articles agreed upon by the Faculty of Sacred Theology of Paris on articles of faith, at present controverted, with the antidote",  1542 [1844, Tracts, v.1, p.72]
  • # Traité des reliques, 1543 [bk] [1599 ed] ["An Admonition, showing the Advantages which Christendom might derive from an Inventory of Relics",  1844, Tracts, v.1, p.289] [new 1854 trans. A Treatise on Relics, 1871 ed]
  • # The Necessity of Reforming the Church, presented to the Imperial Diet at Speyer, 1543 [1844 Tracts, v.1, p.121] [html]
  • # "Remarks on the Letter of Pope Paul III to Emperor Charles V",  1544, [1844, Tracts, v.1, p.257]
  • # Against the Anabaptists, 1544 (Lat & Fr)
  • # Against the Libertines, 1545 (Fr)
  • # Contre un franciscain, sectateur des erreurs des Libertins, 1547
  • # Acts of the Council of Trent with Antidote, 1547 [Fr: Les actes du concile de Trente, avec le remede contre la poison, 1548 bk], ["Acts of the Council of Trent with Antidote" 1851 Tracts, v.3, p.17]
  • # Interim Adultero Germanum, 1547 [1579 Lat ed], [Fr 1549 L'Interim. bk]  ["The Adultero-German Interim, with Refutation", 1851 Tracts, v.3, p.189]
  • The True Method of giving Peace to Christendom and Reforming the Church, 1547 [1851 Tracts, v.3, p.240]
  • Tracts related to the Reformation [1844-51 trans., v.1, v.2, v.3]
  • Commentaries on the First Book of Moses, called Genesis, [1847-50 trans, v.1, v.2]
  • Harmony of the Law: Commentaries on the Four Last Books of Moses, [1852-55 trans. v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4]  [v.3 - commentary on Usury (Exodus 22: 25)]
  • Commentary on the Book of Joshua [1854 trans, bk]
  • Commentary on the Book of Psalms [1845-49 trans: v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4, v.5] [v.1, commentary on Usury (Psalms 15:5)]
  • Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Isaiah [1850-53 trans, v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4]
  • Commentaries on the Book of Jeremiah and Lamentations, 1575 [1850-54 trans., v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4, v.5] [defense of usury here]
  • Commentaries on the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel [1849-50 trans, v.1, v.2] [v.2 - commentary on Usury (Ezekiel 18:8)]
  • Commentaries on the Book of the Prophet Daniel [1852-53 trans v.1, v.2]
  • Commentaries on the Twelve Minor Prophets [1846-49 trans, v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4, v.5]
  • Commentary on a Harmony of the Evangelists Matthew, Mark and Luke [1584 trans, bk], [1845-46 trans, v.1, v.2, v.3]
  • Commentary on the Gospel according to John [v.1, v.2, v.3]
  • Commentary upon the Acts of the Apostles [1844 trans. v.1,  v.2]
  • Commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans [1834 trans, bk; 1849 trans, bk]
  • Commentaries on the Epistles to the Corinthians [1848 trans, v.1, v.2]
  • Commentaries on the Epistles to the Galatians & Ephesians [1574-77 trans, v.1, v.2], [1854 trans, bk]
  • Commentaries on the Epistles to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians [1851 trans, bk]
  • Commentaries on the Epistles to Timothy, Titus and Philemon [1856 trans, bk]
  • Commentaries on the Epistle to the Hebrews [1853 trans, bk]
  • Commentary on the Catholic Epistles (Peter, John, James and Jude) [1855, bk]
  • Letter to Claude de Sachins, 1545.
  • Lettres de Jean Calvin [Fr. 1854 v.1, v.2], [Eng. 1855-58 trans, Letters of John Calvinv.1 (1528-45), v.2 (1545-53), v.3 (1554-58)]
  • Operum Omnium theologicorum
  • (Geneva, 1617)
    • v.1 (Moses, Harmony of the Law)
    • v.2
    • v.3 (Psalms, Minor Prophets)
    • v.4 (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel)
    • v.5 (Harmony of Gospels, John, Acts, Epistles to Hebrew, Catholic epistles)
    • v.6 (Institutes)
    • v.7
  • Oeuvres françoises de J. Calvin, ed. P.L. Jacob, 1842 [bk]
  • Opera quae supersunt omnia, ed. E. Cunitz, J.W. Baum, E. Reuss, 1863- (59 vols) [Gen]
    • v.1 (1863) - Institutes, 1536 ed
    • v.2 (1864) - Institutes 1559 ed.
    • v.3
    • v.4
    • v.5 (1866) - Minor Theological Works, Pt.1 - 1532-1541
    • v.7
    • v.10, Pt. 1 (1871) - Additional theological tracts - includes "De Usuris" (p.245)



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Resources on John Calvin

  • Complete Works of John Calvin and Commentaries of John Calvin
  • Jacobi Sadoleti Romani Cardinalis Epistola ad Senatum populumque Genevensum qua in obedientiam Romani Pontificis eos reducere conatur, 1539 [bk] ["Letter by James Sadola, a Roman Cardinal,  to the Senate and People of Geneva", 1844 Tracts, v.1, p.1]
  • "Letter of Pope Paul III to Emperor Charles V, August 25, 1544" [1844, Tracts, v.1, p.237]
  • Life of John Calvin, by Theodore Beza, 1564 [1575 rev. ed.] [1836 ed, bk], [1844 Tracts, v.1, p.xix]
  • Life of Calvin by Nicolas Colladon, 1565
  • "List of Calvin's Works", in Commentaries on Joshua, 1854 p.465
  • Memoirs of the life and writings of John Calvin by John MacKenzie, 1818 [bk] [1823 ed]
  • Calvin and the Swiss Reformation, by John Scott, 1833 [bk]
  • History of the life, works, and doctrines of John Calvin by J.M.V. Audin, 1845 [trans bk]
  • Calvin and Servetus; the Reformer's share in the trial of Michael Servetus historically ascertained by W.K. Tweedie, 1846 [bk]
  • Life and Times of John Calvin, the Great Reformer, by Paul Henry [1851-52 trans, v.1, v.2]
  • The Life of Michael Servetus by W.H. Drummond, 1858 [bk]
  • Life of John Calvin, by Thomas H. Dyer, 1859 [bk]
  • Calvin : His life, his labours, and his writings by Félix Bungener, 1863 [bk]
  • Life of John Calvin illustrated, by Thomas Lawson, 1884 [bk]
  • John Calvin, Organizer of Reformed Protestantism, by W. Walker, 1906
  • John Calvin: His life, letters, and work by H.Y. Reyburn, 1914 [bk]
  • History of the Rise of the Huguenots in France by H.M. Baird, 1879 [1895, v.1, v.2]
  • History of Reformation in Europe, in the time of Calvin. by J.H. Merle d'Aubigné, 1864-79 ed.,
    •  v.1 (Geneva & France, 1513-28)
    •  v.2 (Calvin in France, 1527-34, Geneva, 1526-32),
    • v.3 (Calvin flight, 1533-35, Geneva, 1531-33)
    •  v.4 (England, 1529-34,  Geneva 1533-35, Italy 1519-36),
    •  v.5 (England, 1534-36, Geneva, 1535-36)
    •  v.6 (Scotland, 1522-46; Geneva, 1536-40)
    • v.7 (Geneva, 1540-42; Scandinavia, 1515-50; Hungary, 1518-48, Bohemia & Poland, 1518-46, Netherlands, 1518-44)
    • v.8 (Spain, 1520-55; England 1536-47; Germany, 1520-46)
  • "John Calvin" at Internet Encycl. of Philosophy
  • "John Calvin" and "Calvinism" at New Advent (Catholic) Encycl.
  • Calvin bio at CCEL
  • John Calvin, brief bio
  • Wikipedia


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