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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.

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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (BEM), was a 19th Century ultra-Tory monthly literary review. It was founded in 1817 by the publisher William Blackwood in Edinburgh, Scotland.  It was a response to Whig liberal rags - notably the quarterly Edinburgh Review (edited at the time by Francis Jeffrey) and the weekly The Scotsman (edited by John Ramsey McCulloch).  The BEM was more conservative than the Tory Quarterly Review of London.  While the QR was staid, patrician and partisan, reliably loyal to Tory ministries and circulated mostly in England, the BEM was wilder, more willing to criticize Tories on matters of principle, and more stridently Scottish. Relative to the QR, the BEM was more nationalistic, more defensive of northern/Scottish interests, and better represented the views of rural communities, especially small yeoman farmers rather than big landowners. Being a monthly, the articles in the BEM was usually lighter, with a more literary bent, than the quarterly reviews.  During its height, the BEM was colloquially called "the Maga".

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine is notable in the history of economics for being the epitome of ultra-Tory agrarian paternalism, suspicious of industrial capitalism and rabidly "anti-economist".  The BEM railed against economic theory generally speaking, against the Ricardian Classical School in particular.  It took vocal positions against the Malthusian population doctrines, against free trade, against laissez faire, against bullion resumption, against the gold standard, against the Bank Act, against Poor Law reform, and generally against industrialism altogether.  Its positions were mostly negative, mostly criticizing economists, and articulated few positive arguments of their own.  Nonetheless, the BEM attitude was largely pro-Corn Laws, pro-agriculture. pro-Poor Laws, underconsumptionist (although they didn't quite notice Malthus's contributions in this), and for an inconvertible paper currency.  The BEM opposed trade unions (combinations), but on matter of the principle of noblesse oblige believed that the rich should take care of the poor.


William Blackwood was an antiquarian bookseller in Edinburgh, and an agent of John Murray of London (publisher of the Tory Quarterly Review).  Blackwood had long been trying to move from his bookshop into the higher realm of publishing.  The preeminent publisher in Edinburgh at the time was Archibald Constable (publisher of the powerful Whig quarterly The Edinburgh Review and the monthly Scots Magazine, the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and the popular novels of Sir Walter Scott).  In 1816, hearing that Sir Walter Scott had quarreled with Constable, Blackwood saw his chance and persuaded Scott to switch his Waverley novels to the publishers Murray in London & Blackwood in Edinburgh.  Scott soon delivered a new novel Tales of my Landlord to be published serially by Murray & Blackwood.  Around the same time, the Scottish poet James Hogg, editor of the failed weekly The Spy (1810-11), devised a scheme to launch a new monthly literary magazine. Hogg approached Thomas Pringle, and both went to Blackwood with the idea.  Blackwood was hoping for a journal that would challenge the popularity of the Edinburgh Review in Scotland -  the London QR did not circulate much in Scotland, and its heavy articles were not as witty and brilliant as the ER.  So Blackwood, Pringle and Hogg got together to plan a monthly.

The first issue came out in April 1817, with title Edinburgh Monthly Magazine, under the editorship of Thomas Pringle and James Cleghorn.  But it proved a disappointment.  Its writing was tame, turgid and little distinct from other magazines.  Moreover, its articles were surprisingly supportive of the ER writers and liberal Whig politics (they produced a positive review of David Ricardo's Principles in the May 1817 issue).  When Blackwood tried to explain his misgivings, Hogg and Cleghorn were indignant with the interference.  Having had enough, William Blackwood dismissed the two editors in September, and took over the editorship himself. Blackwood brought in John Gibson Lockhart and John Wilson, two young, ambitious and combative Tories, as assistant editors. The review was re-launched in October, 1817 with the new title Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.

The dismissed Pringle & Cleghorn approached rival publisher Archibald Constable with BEM's subscriber list. Constable promptly placed them in charge of his monthly Scot's Magazine, which was briefly recast as Constable's Edinburgh Magazine to compete directly with Blackwood's.  In the first number of the new BEM in October 1817, Blackwood put out an article "Translation from the Ancient Chaldee Manuscript" (p.89-96), intended as a satire on the whole affair - referring to Blackwood ("man clothed in plain apparel", "whose name was as ebony"), the BEM ("the Book"),  Pringle & Cleghorn ("the two beasts"), Constable ("the crafty") and other notable figures in Edinburgh society.   It proved a sensation - and offensive to many.  Blackwood withdrew the "Chaldee" article after only two hundred copies, and subsequently issued an apology.  Nonetheless, the publicity put BEM on the literary map, and gave it the recipe for the pugnacious, satirical tone that would mark its history.

In the August and subsequently September issues of 1819, BEM introduced the "The Tent", the tale of a fictitious hunting expedition on the River Dee in Aberdeenshire, involving  multiple characters, within which several articles were embedded.  The stable of fictitious characters included Christopher North (the editor), Timothy Tickler, Dr. Peter Morris, William Wastle of that Ilk, Ettrick Shepherd, Dr. Mullion, Baillie Jarvie, Morgan Odoherty (an Irishman), Kempferhousen (a German), Seward of Christchurch & Buller of Brazennose (Oxford scholars), James Scott (odontist of Glasgow), Mr. Tims & Mr. Price (cockney tourists), etc.  Many articles in the BEM over the years would be written by regular authors under these pseudonyms.  

In March 1822, the BEM launched the "Noctes Ambrosianae", a recurrent satirical feature involving the same fictitious characters of the Tent, authored by "Christopher North", purported to be the aged editor of the BEM  (articles by "Christopher North" were usually written by the John Wilson)   The "Noctes" feature would continue serially for 71 numbers, closing in February 1835.

In 1820, BEM became involved in the public imbroglio following the death of Thomas Brown, professor of moral philosophy at the University of Edinburgh.  Scottish philosopher  Dugald Stewart, who had retired from that chair in 1811 for Brown, promoted Sir William Hamilton as the candidate to succeed Brown.  Hamilton's candidacy was backed by the Scottish Whig establishment, notably the Edinburgh Review and McCulloch's The Scotsmen.  But Tories decided to promote the BEM editor John Wilson to the chair instead. Wilson ended up prevailing. 

Article writers for Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine include:

  • William Blackwood, publisher and editor
  • John Wilson (1785-1854), de facto editor, (pseud. "Christopher North"), later Prof. of Moral Philosophy at Univ of Edinburgh from 1820 to 1851
  • J. Gibson Lockhart (1794-1854) co-editor (pseud. "Z", "Dr. Peter Morris", "William Wastle"),  son-in-law of Sir Walter Scott,  co-editor of BEM until 1826, thereafter with London Quarterly Review
  • James Hogg, Scottish poet and early participant in BEM.
  • Robert Syme (pseud., "Timothy Tickler"), Wilson's uncle, prominent Tory lawyer.
  • John Galt (1779-1839), (pseud. "Bandana"), novelist and Canada emigration promoter
  • Robert Pierce Gillies (pseud. "Kempferhausen"), poet, expert on German and Scandinavian literature
  • Maj. Thomas Hamilton
  • Prof. William Maginn (pseud. "Ensign & Adjudant Morgan Odoherty"), an expert on Ireland, contrib. from 1818 to 1830, thereafter to Fraser's Magazine.
  • David Macbeth Moir (1798-1851) (pseud. "Delta"), Edinburgh physician and poet.
  • Alan Stevenson, Treasury official.
  • David Robinson, Yorkshire-born free-lance journalist in London, Tory extremist, terminated by Blackwood in 1831
  • James McQueen, geographer and editor of Glasgow Courier, promoter of West Indian colonies, pro-slavery, pro-tariff
  • Rev. Edward Edwards, QR writer
  • Alfred Mallalieu - London journalist, focus on commercial policy
  • William Johnstone - Irish-born London journalist, focused on poor policy
  • William E. Aytoun - Wilson's son-in-law, lawyer, later Prof of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres at Edinburgh
  • George Croly - clergyman
  • Charles Neaves - (pseud. "Isaac Tomkins", a confused free trader), lawyer, later SG for Scotland
  • James Ferrier, philosopher, later prof. of moral philosophy at St. Andrew's
  • Felicia Hemans, poet
  • John Hughes (pseud. "Buller of Brazennose"), actually an Oriel Noetic.
  • Sir Archibald Alison, historian, prolific contributor of economics articles, contributions begin 1831, end 1853
  • Thomas De Quincey, only economist, contributions begin 1832, end 1843
  • Thomas Doubleday
  • R. Sowler.

Minor authors

  • Henry Duncan, 1774-1846, Church of Scotland clergyman, founder of savings banks.
  • J. Baxter (d.1863-64)
  • Rev. Robert Gordon (1786-1853), Church of Scotland clergyman
  • Capt. Maconconchie (no details)
  • Henry Matthews, lawyer and judge in Ceylon.



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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

  • v.1 (Apr-Sep, 1817) [Title = Edinburgh Monthly Magazine]
    • April
    • [Anon] "Memoir of the late Francis Horner, M.P." (Apr), p.3
    • "Present State of the City of Venice", p.16
    • ["Hi"] "On the Constitution and Moral Effects of Banks for the Savings of Industry", p.17
    • ["M"] "Observations on the Culture of the Sugar Cane in the United States, and our System of Colonial Policy", p.25
    • "Account of the American Steam Frigate", p.30
    • "On the proposed establishment of a Foundling Hospital in Edinburgh", p.38
    • [Scott] "Notices concerning Scottish Gypsies", p.43
    • "The Desolate Village - poem", p.70
    • "Review - Dr. Chalmers's Series of Discourses on the Christian Revelation", p.73
    • "Review of Edinburgh Review", p.81  (Byron, Bentham)
    • "Review of Quarterly Review", p.83 (Malthus)
    • May
    • [Anon] "Review - Ricardo on the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation" (May), p.175
    • Jun
    • [Anon] "Extracts from a communication to J.C. Curwen, Esq, M.P. on the Relief of the Poor", (Jun) p.241
    • "Origin of the Terms, Whig and Tory", (Jun) p.246
    • "Review- Thomas Moore's Lallah Rookh", p.279
    • "Review- Lord Byron's Manfred", p.289
    • "ER", p.296
    • "QR", p.300
    • Jul
    • "Observations on Original Genius" (July), p.347
    • [Anon] "Review of Pascoe Grenfell's speech on certain transactions subsisting betwixt the Public and the Bank of England" (Jul), p.406
    • "Comparative View of the British and American Constitutions", p.414
    • Aug
    • ["H"] "On the Exportation of Cotton Yarn" (Aug), p.472
    • "On the Education of the Children of the Poor", p.474
    • "Review - Moore's Lalla Rookh, concluded", p.305
    • Sep
    • "On the Utility of studying Ancient and Foreign Languages" (Sep), p.567
    • "Remarks on the Study of some branches of Natural History, p.569
    • "On the symbolical use of salt", p.579
    • "Notices concerning Scottish Gypsies (concluded)", p.615
    • "Moore's Sacred Songs", p.630
  • v.2 (Oct 1817-Mar 1818) (copy) [Title changed = Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine]
    • Oct
    • [Wilson] "Some Observations on the 'Biographia Literaria' of S.T. Coleridge, Esq., 1817", (Oct) p.3
    • [Z = Lockhart] "On the Cockney School of Poetry, Pt.1" (Oct) p.38 (attack on Keats & Hunt).
    • "Vindication of Mr. Wordsworth's Letter to Mr. Gray on a new edition of Burns' works",  p.65
    • [Anon] "Strictures on an article in No.61 of Edinburgh Review, entitled 'Present State of West Indian Affairs'", p.41, continued on p.90
    • "Curious old song (political)", p.89
    • "Translation from an Ancient Chaldee Manuscript", (p.89-96?) (sensational satire on Edinburgh society) (manus) [repr. in 1867 Noctes, v.1, p.xx]
    • Nov
    • "On the Pulpit Eloquence of Scotland, No.1 - Chalmers", (Nov) p.131
    • ["M"] "New Gold Coinage", p.169
    • ["Z"], "On the Cockney School of Poetry, Pt.2" p.194
    • Dec
    • "On the late National Calamity" (Dec), p.249 (Death of Princess Charlottte)
    • "Remarks on Godwin's new novel Mandeville", p.268
    • "Letter to Reviewer of Coleridge", p.285
    • "Pecuniary distress of James VI", p.312
    • "On the Pulpit Eloquence of Scotland, No.2 - Alison", p.318
    • Jan 1818
    • "On Some Calumnies against the Dead", (Jan) p.400 (vs. Wilberforce)
    • "Remarks on Mandeville" (Jan), p.402
    • "On the Gypsies of Hesse-Darmstadt in Germany", p.409
    • "Letter of Z to Mr. Leigh Hunt", p.414
    • Feb
    • "Remarks on the Liverpool Royal Institution and Mr. Roscoe's Discourse" (Feb), p.534
    • "Wilberforce and Foster", p.574
    • Mar
    • "Remarks on Frankenstein: A novel", (Mar), p.613
    • "Remarks on the periodical criticism in England, in a letter to a friend", p.670
  • v.3 (Apr-Sep, 1818)
    • Apr
    • ["A Political Economist"] "On the Poor Laws of England, and answers to queries transmitted", (Apr) p.9
    • "Fragment of an Essay on Taste supposed to be written by William Cobbett", p.21
    • "Letters on the Present State of Germany, Letter 1", p.24
    • "Remarks on the Petit Volume of Mons. Say", p.58
    • [Henry Duncan] "Abstract of the proposed Bill for the Protection of Banks for Savings in Scotland, with Remarks", p.68
    • "Effect of Farm Overseers on the Moral of Farm Servants", p.83
    • "Dialogues on Natural Religion", p.90 (response to Hume)
    • May
    • "On Truth", p.123
    • "Thoughts, from a Whig, on the qualifications of the Speaker of the House of Commons", (May) p.141
    • ["A Political Economist"] "Thoughts concerning Tythes, with answers to queries on the subject, lately circulated in Scotland by a Member of Parliament", p.148
    • ["Idoloclastes" = JG Lockhart] "Letters to the Supporters of the Edinburgh Review: No.1 - to the Rev. Thomas Chalmers, D.D.", p.155
    • "Horace Walpole's Letters to Mr. Montagu", p.162
    • "Dialogues on Natural and Revealed Religion, No.2", p.170
    • "Cautionary Hints to Speculators on the Increase of Crimes", p.176
    • "Fourth Canto of Childe Harold", p.216
    • Jun
    • "Observations on the Writings of George Buchanan" (Jun), p.251
    • "Poetical Account of an Oxford Examination", p.280  (ref. Copleston)
    • "A Few Thoughts on Public Feeling", p.294
    • "Captain Thurston's narrative of the taking of the Island of Timor by HMS Hesper in the year 1811", p.306
    • [J. Baxter] "Principal Baird's Report on the Management of the Poor in Scotland", p.320
    • Jul
    • [Wilson] "Essays on the Lake School of Poetry - No.1 - Wordsworth's White Doe of Rylstone", p.369
    • "Letter to a Politician", (Jul) p.381
    • "On the Calumnies against the Living", p.388 (Wilberforce again)
    • ["W. Wastle" = J. Lockhart?] "The Mad Banker of Amsterdam, or the fate of the Brauns", p.402 (satire of Byron's Don Juan)
    • "Time's Magic Lantern No.7 - Adam Smith and Highland Laird", p.419
    • "Outlines of Philosophical Education", p.420  (on Jardine)
    • "Report for 1818 of the Institution for Education of Deaf and Dumb Children", p.425
    • "Cockney School of Poetry, Pt.3", p.453
    • "Fox and Pitt", p.456
    • Aug
    • "Remarks on Schlegel's History of Literature", (Aug), p.497
    • "Samuel Johnson and David Hume", p.511
    • "Cockney School of Poetry, Pt. 4", p.519.
    • "Account of some curious Clubs in London, about the beginning of the 18th Century p.552
    • "Details respecting the Philippine Islands", p.576
    • "Works of Charles Lamb", p.599
    • Sep
    • "Observations of Madame de Stael's Posthumous Work", (Sep) p.633
    • "David Hume Charged by Mr. Coleridge with Plagiarism from St. Thomas Aquinas", p.653
    • "Remarks on Mr. Macvey Napier's Essay on the Scope and Influence of Lord Bacon's Writings", p.657  (Napier, Scottish Whig, ed. of Encyc Britannica and future editor of the ER).
    • [Capt. Maconochie]  "Summary View of the Statistics and Existing Commerce of the Principal Shores of the Pacific Ocean", p.695
    • "On the Influence of the Love of Fame on Genius", p.701
    • "State of the Parties, and the Edinburgh Review", p.715
  • v.4 (Oct 1818-Mar 1819),  (nov, dec, jan, feb, mar)
    • Oct
    • "Remarks on the Poetry of Thomas Moore, by the Baron von Lauerwinkel", p.1
    • "The Literary Character, illustrated by the history of men of genius, by Mr. D'Israeli", p.14
    • "Reprints: Life of Sir Thomas More, by William Roper", p.28
    • "Observations by the Edinburgh Reviewer's Account of the Life of the late Bishop of Landaff", p.34
    • "Letter from the Hon. Horace Walpole to -----", p.40
    • ["T.N." = Rev. Robert Gordon] "On the Stocks, or Public Funds", p.55
    • ["J.G." = various authors] "Ricardo and the Edinburgh Review", p.58
    • "Of the Effects of Knowledge upon Society", p.80
    • "Account of the Expedition to the North Pole", p.95
    • Nov
    • "An Account of Acber II, the present Great Mogul", (Nov) p.121
    • "Letter concerning Hayti" p.130
    • "A Historical and Geographical Essay on the Trade and Communication of the Arabians and Persians with Russia and Scandinavia, during the Middle Ages, Pt.1 ", p.135
    • "Nine Unpublished Letters of Horace Walpole", p.148
    • "On the Candide of Voltaire", p.155
    • "On Literary Censorship", p.176
    • "Analysis of Mr Barrow's Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions", p.187
    • "Letter on the Present State of Administration", p.201
    • [Mr. Russell] "Reflections on the Theory of Population", p.207
    • "Observations on the Critique of Goethe's Life in the Edinburgh Review", p.211
    • "Speech delivered by an Eminent Barrister", p.213  (Orator Phillips & QR)
    • "Prospectus of a New Academical Institution at Edinburgh", p.217  (on William Scott reforms)
    • "Is the Edinburgh Review a Religious and Patriotic Work?", p.228
    • Dec
    • "Essays on the Lake School of Poetry, No.II - On the Habits of Thought, inculcated by Wordsworth" (Dec, 1818), p.257
    • "Tristan d'Acunha & c." (Dec), p.280
    • "Letter from Lieut. King, now employed in completing a survey of New Holland", p.286 (Australia)
    • ["T.N." = Rev. Robert Gordon]  "On the Stocks, or Public Funds", p.287
    • "Communication of the Arabians and Persians with Russia and Scandinavia, continued (Pt. 2)", p.292
    • "On the Crusades, trans. of Schlegel", p.303
    • "Remarks on Training", p.313
    • "North-west Passage, expedition under Captain Ross and Lieut. Parry", p.338
    • "On Naval Education", p.345
    • Jan 1819
    • "Scheffer's Essay on English Politics" (Jan, 1819), p.432
    • "The Medical Schools of Dublin and Edinburgh", p.439
    • "Communication of the Arabians and Persians with Russia and Scandinavia, continued (Pt. 3)", p.460
    • "Observations on the Revolt of Islam", p.475 (on P.B. Shelly)
    • Feb
    • "Remarks on the Present State of Civilization in Greece" (Feb), p.513
    • "Some Observations on the Poetry of the Agricultural and that of the Pastoral Districts of Scotland, illustrated by a comparative view of the Genius of Burns and the Ettrick Shepherd", p.521
    • "On the Means of Education, and the State of Learning, in the United States of America", p.546
    • "Mad Banker, Canto V", p.563
    • "Observations on Gurney's Visits to some of the Prisons of Scotland", p.603
    • [pseud, Dr. Peter Morris = Lockhart]  "Observations on Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk", p.612  (review of a non-existent book, satire on Scottish Whigs)
    • Mar
    • "On the State of Learning in the United States of America", (Mar) p.641
    • "Hints concerning the Colonization of Africa", p.652
    • "On the Decline of a Taste for Metaphysics", p.682
    • "On the Indestructibility of Mental Impressions", p.690  (on Hume/Coleridge plagiarism)
    • "Mad Banker, Canto 8", p.729
    • [pseud, Dr. Peter Morris] "A few farther strictures on 'Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk', with extracts from that popular work", p.745 (non-existent book cont'd)
  • v.5 (Apr-Sep, 1819)
    • April
    • "Horae Cantab III", p.16
    • "Sicily and Naples, or a Fatal Union, a tragedy", p.33
    • "Of Some of the faults of English Manners", p.38
    • "Hora Nicotaniae I", p.47
    • "Catholic Legends" p.53 (usury)
    • "On the Study of Language, as essential to the successful cultivation of literature", p.55
    • "The New Whig Guide", p.89
    • "On the Cockney School of Poetry, Pt.5 (Apr 1819), p.97. (on Wordsworth & Keats)
    • May
    • "The State of Religion in the Highlands of Scotland" (May), p.136
    • "Lieutenant King's Survey of New Holland", p.152
    • "A Letter on Happiness", p.155
    • "Noseology, a dissertation on the intellectual faculties as manifested by the various configurations of the nose", p.157
    • [Anon] "On the Influence of Wages on the Rate of Profits", p.171
    • [Anon] "Poor Rates", p.173
    • "Bowdich's Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, Pt.1", p.175
    • "A few more Remarks on the New Whig Guide", p.197
    • "Hora Nicotianae, No.2", p.205
    • Jun
    • "Some Account of the Greater History of Matthew Paris, monk of St. Albans", p.257
    • "Bassompierre's embassy to England in 1626", p.274
    • "Note from Mr. Mullion, enclosing an Essay on the State of the Nation", p.298
    • "Bowdich's Mission from Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, Pt.2 (concluded)", p.302
    • Jul
    • [Alison] "On the Proposed National Monument in Edinburgh" (Jul), p.377
    • "On a new and improved method of teaching Latin, p.403
    • "On the Introduction of the Oriental Breed of Horses into Europe", p.406
    • "Remarks on Mr. Mitford's view of the Constitution of Macedonia", p.443
    • "Patagonia", p.451
    • "A Discourse on Missions, by John Foster", p.453
    • "Sermon preached in the Tron Church, Glasgow, by Thomas Chalmers D.D.", p.462
    • Aug (beginning of the "Tent" writings)
    • "Restoration of the Parthenon for the National Monument", (Aug), p.507
    • "Remarks on Don Juan", p.512 (on Byron)
    • [Anon] "Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope", p.523
    • "Sir William Ouseley's Travels to various countries of the East", p.527
    • "Two Reviews of a Military Work (Proceedings at Ambrose's)" p.547
    • "Common-place People", p.558
    • "Human Beauty", p.564
    • "On a late Attempt to White-wash Mr. Brougham", p.570
    • "A Parallel between the Master Debtor's side of Newgate and the several Sponging Houses in the County of Middlesex", p.578
    • "Mr Faber on the Pyramid of Cephrenes, lately opened by Belzoni", p.582
    • "True and Authentic Account of the 12th of August, 1819", p.597  [repr. as "Christopher in the Tent" in 1867 Noctes, v.1, p.1]
    • Sep (no TOC, toc, but a single article, "The Tent", tale of a fictitious hunting expedition, with fictitious characters, within which several articles are embedded)
    •  "The Tent", p.628
    • "Sanctandrews poem", p.634
    • ["Kempferhausen" = Alison] "On the Character and Manner of the Tyrolese" (Sep), p.643  (Alison's first article?)
    • ["Timothy Tickler" = Lockhart & Wilson] "Tickler on the Scotsman", p.655  (on McCulloch's Scotsman)
    • "Tickler on Brougham", p.659
    • "Pilgrimage to the Kirk of Shotts", p.672 (Shotts = The Scotsman?)
    • "Letter to Mr. Seward", p.681
    • "Wallace's invocation to Bruce" [F. Hemans prize poem]" p.686
    • "Tickler found Napping", p.693
    • "Narrative of expedition to the Orinoco and Apure in South America in 1817", p.700
    • "Lecture on Whiggism", p.711
    • "Last Day of the Tent", p.720
    • "Arrival of Prince Leopold", p.728
    • Announcement of "Autobiography of Christopher North" (p.742) [fictional editor of BEM]
  • v.6 (Oct 1819-Mar 1820)
    • Oct, 1819
    • "On the Lake School of Poetry III - Coleridge", p.3
    • [Strout say Lockhart?] "The Christian and Civic Economy of Large Towns by Chalmers", (Oct) p.18
    • "Some effects of an excessive application to the study of physical science considered", p.35
    • "On the impossibility of a standard of language in metaphysics", p.39
    • "The Scotchman in London", p.64
    • "On the Cockney School of Poetry" Pt. 6 (Oct, 1819), p.70 (on Hunt)
    • "Emigration to the Cape of Good Hope", p.78
    • "Extracts from 'Historia Major' of Matthew Paris", p.84
    • Nov
    • "Restoration of the Parthenon in the National Monument" (Nov), p.137
    • [Lockhart? (sugg)] "Remarks on Dr. Chalmers' New Work", p.177
    • "Don Juan Unread", p.194
    • "The Negro's Lament for Mungo Park - poem", p.196
    • "The Rector - parody of Goldsmith's Deserted Village", p.197
    • "The Warder, No.1" (political), p.208 (Chalmers)
    • Dec
    • "The Radical's Saturday-Night" (Dec), p.257
    • "Ivanhoe", .p.262
    • "Extracts from Historia Major of Matthew Paris (cont'd), p.273
    • "Cotton's Voyage to Ireland" p.284
    • "Remarks on some of our late Numbers, by a liberal Whig", p.288
    • [Alison] "On the Discovery of the Remains of Robert Bruce" (Dec), p.297
    • "Letter from Arctic Land Expedition", p.305
    • "The Warder No.2 & No.3", p.323, p.331
    • Jan, 1820
    • "Public Buildings in Edinburgh", (Jan) p.370
    • "On he Analogy between the growth of Individual and National Genius", p.375
    • "Letter from the Ettrick Shepherd, enclosing a fragment of the Mad Banker", p.390
    • [Anon] "Elements of a Plan for the Liquidation of the National Debt, &c., by Richard Heathfield", p.441
    • Feb
    • "Second Letter from a Liberal Whig" (Feb), p.492
    • [Lockhart? (sugg)] "Hodgskin's travels in Germany", p.536
    • "The Late King", p.574
    • Mar
    • "On Wit and Humour, by the late professor John Millar", (Mar) p.638
    • "Remarks on the Diversity of Genius", p.674
    • "The Warder, No.5", p.704
  • v.7 (Apr-Sep, 1820)
  • [contents: apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep]
    • Apr
    • "The Warder, No.6" (Apr), p.11
    • "Letters of a Liberal Whig", p.21
    • "Letter relative to the proposed monument for Lord Melville", p.85
    • "Professor Brown's Outlines of the Philosophy of the Human Mind", p.62
    • "Warder No.7", p.90
    • May
    • "Extracts from Matthew Paris", (May), p.141
    • "Mr Phillpotts and the Edinburgh Review", p.168
    • "Remarks on a Note in the Edinburgh Review No.65, by Rev. H. Phillpotts, M.A. Prebendary of Durham", p.169
    • "Luctus, on the death of Sir Daniel Donnelly, late champion o Ireland", p.186
    • June
    • "Horae Germanicae No.5: Faustus of Goethe", p.235
    • Extracts from Mr Wastle's Diary No.2, p.317
    • July
    • [Lockhart] "Testimonium: A prize poem by James Scott, Esq.", p.i-vii (on Wilson's election to Edinburgh moral philosophy chair)
    • "On the Education of the Poor", (Jul), p.419
    • [Anon] "Caledonian Canal", p.437
    • Aug
    • "Thoughts and Suggestions on the Education of the Peasantry of Ireland", (Aug) p.534
    • Sep
    • "Extracts from Historia Major of Matthew Paris", p.605
    • "On the Study of Natural History, p.618
    • "Simplicius on the State of Ireland", p.637
    • "Extracts from Mr Wastle's Diary No.3, p.663
    • "Shelley's Promotheus Unbound", p.688
  • v.8 (Oct 1820-Mar 1821)
    • Oct
    • "Shufflebotham's Dream", (Oct) p.3
    • "Letter from Jame Hogg to his Edinbugh Reviewer", p.67
    • "An Hour's Tete-a-tete with the Public" (on Chaldee ms), p.78
    • Nov
    • [Lockhart? (sugg)] "Chalmers' Commercial Sermons", p.178
    • "Letter of Odoherty on the Present State of Ireland", p.190
    • "Remarks on Captain Brown's letter to the Lord Provost of Edinburgh", p.204
    • "The Queen's Trial", p.209
    • Dec
    • "On Domestic Politics", (Dec) p.329
    • Jan, 1821
    • "Domestic Politics", (Jan) p.443
    • Feb
    • [Henry Matthews] "Thoughts on the Present Political Aspect of the Times", (Feb) p.485
    • "Another Tete-a-Tete with the Public", p.529
    • "State and Prospects of the Whigs", p.564
    • [George Croly? (sugg)] "Lord Lauderdale's Proposed Address to the King", p.581
    • Mar
    • [M.O. = Dr. Davd M. Moir] "Structures on Political Economy, wherein a Remedy for the Poor Laws is Divulged", (Mar) p.606
    • "Sonnet to Robinson Crusoe", p.632
    • "The Warder, No.8", p.689
  • 1821 v.9 (Apr-Aug, 1821),
    • Apr
    • [E] "Owen's Report to the County of Lanark" (Apr), p.85
    • "Lord Byron's Doge of Venice", p.93
    • May
    • "On Parliamentary Reform", (May) p.222
    • "Lord Byron and Pope", p.227
    • Jun
    • "Captain Parry's Voyage" (Jun), p.289
    • Jul
    • "Philosophy of Self", (Jul) p.397
    • "Letter to Lord Byron  by John Bull", (Jul) p.421 (Jeremy Bentham)
    • Aug (1)
  • 1821 v.10 (Aug-Dec, 1821)
    • Aug (2)
    • "Stanzas Dedicatory to Francis Jeffrey", p.iii
    • "Ode on the King's Landing in Ireland", (Aug2) p.34
    • Sep
    • "The New-Forest Pauper - ballad", p.119
    • "Adventure in the North-west Territory", p.137 (Canada)
    • "Expedition against the pirates in the gulf of Persia 1819-20", p.151
    • "Mungo Park and Timbuctoo", p.158
    • "On Coplestone's Inquiry into the Doctrines of Necessity and Predestination, Letter 1", (Sep) p.192
    • "The King's Visit to Ireland", p.224
    • Oct
    • "Letter from Mr. Coleridge" (Oct), p.243
    • "Letter from David Hume, Esq", p.303 (Hume's son)
    • "On the Present State of Public Affairs at Home", p.334
    • Nov
    • "On Coplestone's Inquiry into the Doctrines of Necessity and Predestination, Letter 2", (Nov) p.376
    • [J. Galt (prob)] "The Emigrants' Voyage to Canada", p.455
    •  Dec (1)
    • [J. Galt (prob)] "Howison's Canada" (Dec), p.437
    • "Christophe, Late Emperor of  Hayti", p.545
    • Dec (2)
    • "The Whigs of the Covenant" (Dec2), p.665
    • "Historical View of the Rise, Progress, Decline and Fall of the Edinburgh Review", p.668
    • "Remarks on Shelley's Adonais (death of Keats)", p.696
    • "Mechanique Celeste, or the prophetic Almanack for 1822", p.701 (on Cobbett)
    • "The Retrospective Review", p.712
    • "Captain Cochrane on the Northeast Cape of Russia", p.741
    • "On the Late Rumor of a Change in Administration", p.743
  • 1822: v.11 (Jan-Jun), v.12 (Jul-Dec)
    • "Preface", p.iii
    • Jan, 1822
    • "Moore's Irish Melodies", (Jan), p.62
    • "Letter from Hamburgh: Goethe's West-Oestlichem Diwan", p.67
    • "Mr. T.F. Kennedy and the Edinburgh Review", p.73
    • "Lord Byron's Three New Tragedies", p.90
    • "Mr Southey's Reply to Lord Byron", p.93
    • Feb
    • "On the Genius and Character of Rousseau" (Feb) p.137
    • "Lord Byron's Combolio", p.162
    • "Recollections in Retirement of a Life of Travel and Adventure: Ch.1 - North American and the War of Independence", p.184
    • "Lord Byron", p.212
    • "Hume, Martin and Canning", p.230 (Joseph Hume)
    • [Croly? (sugg)] "Domestic Politics", p.242
    • Mar
    • "Townsend's Tour through Ireland and Great Britain", (Mar) p.291
    • "Essay on Arrangement of the Categories by William Howison", p.308
    • "Noctes Ambrosianae, No. 1", p.369
    • Apr
    • "Critique on Lord Byron", (Apr) p.461
    • [Croly? (prob)] "Domestic Politics", p.468
    • "Noctes Ambrosianae, No. 2", p.475
    • May
    • "Lacretelle's History of the Constituent Assembly" (May), pp.505
    • "Noctes Ambrosianae, No. 3", p.601
    • June (all reviews)
    • "New Oxford Controversy", p.678
    • "Postscript", p.751
    • v.12 (Jul-Dec)
    • "To the King", p.iii
    • "Letter from a Protestant Layman to C. North, on Canning's Speech and the Letter of the Catholic Layman" (Jul), p.3
    • "The Earl of Liverpool" (Jul), p.91
    • "Another Oxford Controversy", p.93
    • "The Quarterly Review No.53", p.94
    • "Noctes Ambrosianae, No.4", p.100
    • Aug
    • "Douglas on Missions" (Aug), p.147
    • "QR No.53", p.153
    • "Lord Blessington on the State of Ireland", p.153
    • "Noctes Ambroosianae No.6",
    • Sep (entire issue on the King George IV's visit to Scotland)
    • "The King" - visit to Edinburgh, etc. (Sep), p.253
    • [J. Wilson] "The Sorrows of the Stot", p.333 (on McCulloch)
    • "Noctes Ambrosianae No.5" (misnamed 6), p.369
    • Oct
    • "Letter of a Catholic Layman to Christopher North, Esq. on the Last Letter of the Protestant Layman", (Oct) p.414
    • ["T.E." = J. Galt] "On the Agricultural Distresses", p.436
    • "Ye Gentlemen of England - Excellent new Whig Song", p.466
    • "The Greeks and the Greek Cause", p.467
    • ["Bandana" = J. Galt] "Hints to the Country-Gentlemen, in a letter to C. North, Esq.", p.482 (agricultural question)
    • "Arctic Land Expedition", p.500
    • Nov
    • [J. Lockhart? (sugg)] "Political Economy: Elements of Save-all-ism; or an introduction to the science of sifting cinders", (Nov) p.525
    • "On the Politics of De Stael", p.586
    • ["Bandana" = J. Galt] "Hints to the Country-Gentlemen, Letter II", p.624 (taxation)
    • "The Congress", p.651
    • Dec
    • "Noctes Ambrosianae, No.6", p.695
    • "The Greek to his Sword - poem", (Dec) p.759
    • "MS Notes on the Last Number of the Edinburgh Review", (Dec) p.785
  • 1823: v.13 (Jan-Jun), v.14 (Jul-Dec)
    • v.13 (Jan-Jun), 1823
    • "Dr Phillpotts and Mr Jeffrey", (Jan) p.50
    • "Moore's Loves of the Angels", p.63
    • "Byron's Heaven and Earth", p.72
    • "The Confessions of an English Glutton", p.86
    • Feb
    • "On Dante and his Times", (Feb) p.141
    • "Irish Popular Songs", p.209
    • Mar
    • "Mr Rose's Translation of Orlando Innamorato" (Mar), p.299
    • [Mr. Vary] "Remarks on Mr. Owen's Plan", p.338
    • "Public Affairs", p.358
    • "Irish Affairs", p.362
    • Apr
    • "Remarks on Mr Alison's Theory of Beauty, as explained by Mr. Jeffrey" (Apr), p.385
    • "McQueen on the Course and Termination of the River Niger", p.417
    • "Pythagoras and his Beans", p.461
    • "A Visit to the Shakers", p.463
    • "Letter to the Editor, from Rev. H. Phillpotts, enclosing remarks of Mr. Jeffrey's Note in No. 75 of Edinburgh Review", p.476
    • May
    • ["Bandana" = J. Galt] "Bandana on the Abandonment of the Pitt System, Letter 3", (May), p.515
    • "Politics", p.566
    • Politics", (Jun) p.693
    • "Remarks on the New High School", p.709
    •  v.14 (Jul-Dec), 1823
    • Jul
    • "Sketch of the Revolution in Mexico" (Jul), p.61
    • "The Tory, Letter 1", p.76
    • "Lord Byron and Mr Landor", p.99
    • Aug
    • "On the Pluckless School of Politics, Letter 1" (Aug) p.139
    • "The Rev. Mr. Irving's Orations", p.145 (Drummond's sect)
    • "Las Cases' Journal of Napoleon at St. Helena", p.169
    • "Napoleon's Memoirs", p.173
    • "The Tory, Letter 2", p.184
    • "The Late Whig Attacks on the Lord Chancellor", p.202
    • "Letters of Timothy Tickler, on the last number of the Edinburgh Review and Things in General", p.212
    • Sep
    • "On the Pluckless School of Politics, Letter 2", (Sep) p.330
    • "Heaven and Hell by Rev. Edward Irving", p.346
    • "Song, occasioned by some gloomy anticipations of the effects of the change in the Navigation Code", p.354
    • Oct
    • "Wallenstein, trans. by Coleridge", (Oct) p.377
    • "The West Indian Controversy" (Oct), p.437
    • "Mr. Blaquiere's Report on Greece, &c", p.465
    • Nov
    • "Public Credit - Project in Aid of it", (Nov) p.516
    • "Letter from Gabriel South - Pamphlets on Ireland", p.532
    • Dec
    • "The Chancellor and the Edinburgh Review" (Dec), p.627
    • "Panaceas for Poverty", p.635
    • "West Indian Controversy, No.2", p.647
    • "Whig and Tory", p.666
    • "Spain", p.675
    • "Letters of Tim Tickler, on the last number of the Edinburgh Review", p.695
  • 1824 v.15, v.16
    • Jan
    • "The Irishman, No.2", p.1
    • [J.G. Lockhart] "The West India Controversy, Pt III" (Jan), p.68
    • "Note on the Quarterly Reviewers", p.83
    • Feb
    • "South America", p.133
    • "Letter on Santo Domingo", p.229
    • Mar
    • "Ireland", p.269
    • "The Edinburgh Review No.78, art. i & ix - the State of Europe and the Holy Alliance", p.317
    • "The Recent State Papers concerning South America", p.351
    • Apr
    • "Bandana on Emigration, Letter First", p.429
    • May
    • "The Instruction of the Irish Peasantry", p.495
    • "Sketches of the Five American Presidents and the Five Presidential Candidates", p.508
    • [William Stevenson] "The Political Economist, Essay I", p.522
    • "Letters of Timothy Tickler to Francis Jeffrey, on the last Westminster and Quarterly Reviews", p.558
    • June
    • "Goethe's Wilhelm Meister - Memoirs of Goethe", p.619
    • "The Political Economist, Essay II - Part 2", p.643
    • "Speculations of a Traveler, concerning the people of North America and Great Britain", p.690
    • "Lord Byron", p.696
    • v.16 (Jul-Dec)
    • Jul
    • "Thoughts on some Errors of Opinion in respect to the Advancement and Diffusion of Knowledge", p.26 (anti-Brougham)
    • "The Political Economist, Essay II", p.34
    • "The Late Session of Parliament", p.74
    • "Speculations of a Traveler, concering the people of the United States, with parallels", p.91
    • Aug (ct)
    • "The Profligacy of the London Periodical Press, No.1", p.179
    • [William Stevenson]  "The Political Economist, Essay III, Pt.1", p.202
      "Magalotti on the Scotch School of Metaphysics", p.227
    • Sep (ct)
    • "American Writers, No.1", p.301
    • Oct (ct)
    • "Goethe's Goetz von Berlichingen", p.369
    • "Men and Women: brief hypothesis concerning the difference in their genius", p.387
    • "The Church of England and the Dissenters", p.395
    • "American Writes, No.2", p.415
    • "Profligacy of the London Periodical Press, No..2", p.438
    • "The Liberal System", p.442
    • "America and England", p.474
    • Nov (ct)
    • "The Bible and the Roman Catholics of Ireland", p.491
    • "On the Reciprocal influence of the Periodical Publications and the Intellectual Progress of this Country, No.1", p.518
    • "The Cheshire Whigs", p.540
    • "American Writers, No.3", p.560
    • Dec (ct)
    • "A Summary of America", p.617
    • [J.G. Lockhart] "The West Indian Controversy, No.IV", .682
    • [William Stevenson] "The Political Economist", Pt. 1 (May 1824, p.522), Pt.2.1 (Aug, p.643), Pt.2.2 (Jul, p.34), Pt. 3.1 (Aug, p.202), Pt. 3.2 (Feb, 1825, p.207)
  • 1825 v.17, v.18
    • Jan
    • "Life of Burke" (Jan), p.1
    • "State Counsel by the Statesmen of Cockaine" (Jan), p.34
    • Feb"
    • [William Stevenson] "The Political Economist Essay III, Pt.2" (Feb) p.207
    • Mar
    • "The Roman Catholic Church of Ireland" (Mar), p.255
    • "The Illiberal, No.1", (Mar) p.340
    • Apr
    • "Lisbon in the Years 1821-22-23", (Apr), p.396
    • May
    • "Brougham on the education of the people", (May), p.534
    • "Letters on the Present State of India, I", (May) p.574
    • "The Quarterly Review, and the American mines", (May) p.592
    • [D. Robinson] "Free Trade" (May), p.551
    • v.17,
    • Jul
    • "English and Irish Land-Letting", (Jun) p.684
    • "Letters on the Present State of India, No. II", p.701
    • [D. Robinson] "Repeal of the Combination Laws", (Jul) p.20,
    • [D. Robinson] "The Combinations", (Oct) p.463
    • [D. Robinson] "The Silk Trade" (Dec), p.736
  • 1826 v.19, v.20
    • [D. Robinson] "Mr McCulloch's Irish Evidence", p.55 (Jan)
    • [D. Robinson] "Mr Huskisson's speech in defence of free trade", p.474 (Apr)
    • [D. Robinson] "Public Distress" (Apr)
    • [D. Robinson] "Letters of E.B. Waverly Esq to Mr Malagrowther, Esq." (May), p.596 (critique of metallization)
    • ["R.R.R." = Jos. Rivers]   p.221
    • [D. Robinson] "Jacob's report on trade in foreign corn", p.359 (Aug)
    • [D. Robinson] "Meeting of Parliament" (Dec)
  • 1827: v.21, v.22
    • [Suttie] "Letter from a Scottish freeholder on the effects of the introduction of foreign grain upon the condition of the labouring population" (Jan), p.1
    • [Senex] "What will become of poor Ireland?", p.61 (Jan)
    • [C.N.= L. Mease] "Letter on Ricardo's theory of rent", p.74 (Jan)
    • [D. Robinson] "The Corn Laws", p.169 (missing last page), copy
    • [D. Robinson] "The Corn Laws, No. 2" (Mar), p.274
    • ["D" = Mr. Low] "On the Theory of Rents", p.311 (Mar)
    • ["Captains, R.N." = D. Robinson] "The Surplus population of the United Kingdom", p.377 (Apr)
    • [Captain Ross] "Steam Navigation", p.393
    • [D. Robinson] "Mr Huskisson's speech on the shipping interest", Pt.1  (p.1, Jul), Pt. 2 (p.135, Aug) -  denouncing shipping code reforms of 1822, 1823 and 1828, gradually opening colonies to foreign trade
    • [Wilson] "The Real State of Ireland in 1827", p.18 (Jul)
    • ["Z" = Galt?]"Why is not Ireland what it ought to be?", p.237 (Aug)
    • [D. Robinson] "The Rejected Corn Law", p.240 (Aug)
    • "The Game Laws", p.643 (Dec)
    • [D. Robinson] "The Country Banks and the Bank of England", Pt.1, p.734 (Dec 27), p.197 (Feb, 1828)
  • 1828: v.23, v.24
    • [D. Robinson] "The Country Banks and the Bank of England, II" (Feb)
    • ["J" = W. Johnstone] "Emigration" (May)
    • [D. Robinson] "The Poor Laws" (Jun), p.923
    • [D. Robinson] "The Old System of Trade and the New One" (Sep, p.370)
    • "Ireland and the Catholic Question" (Oct, p.409)
    • ["J" = William Johnstone] "Ireland as it is; in 1828" (1 & 2 Oct, p.453 and 3 & 4, Nov p.550 and 5 & 6(Dec p.752), 7 & 8 (Jan, 1829, p.72), 9 & 10 (Feb 1829, p.193)
    • "Substance of Sir Robert. Inglis's Speech on the Catholic Question" (Dec. p.811)
    • "Review of Whately's Elements of Rhetoric" (Dec, p.885)
  • 1829: v.25 (feb, mar, apr, may, jun),  v.26
    • [D. Robinson] "The Working of the Currency", (Feb, p.135)
    • "The Duke of Wellington and Mr. Peel" (Mar, p.294)
    • "Ireland in 1829" (Apr, p.401)
    • "The Irish Church Establishment" (May, p.616)
    • [D. Robinson] "Debates in Parliament on the Silk Trade" (June, p.686)
    • "Colloquies in Ireland respecting recent measures" (June, p.752)
    • "Modern Reformation in Ireland" (July, p.84)
    • [D. Robinson] "The Condition of the Empire" (p.97)
    • "Dublin University" (August, p.153)
    • "Colonial Discontent: Canada" (Sep, p.332)
    • "British Settlements in West Africa" (Sep, p.341)
    • [W. Johnstone] "The State and Prospects of the Country" (Sep2, p.464)
    • ["One of the Old School" = D. Robinson] "Political Economy I - to the heads of the University of Oxford, by one of the Old School" (Sep2, p.510) (against Senior's appointment to Oxford chair)
    • [D. Robinson] "Political Economy II" (Oct, p.671}
    • [D. Robinson] "Political Economy III" (Nov, p.789)
    • "Ireland twenty years ago", Pt. 1 & 2 (Sep2, p.474), Pt. 3 (Oct, p.688)
    • ["J" = W. Johnstone] "Our Domestic Policy, I" (Nov, p.768)
    • "Tom Paine" (Nov, p.816)
    • ["Whig-Hater" = W. Johstone] "Mr Sadler and the Edinburgh Review" (Nov, p.825)
    • "Political Prospects in Ireland" (Dec, p.934)
    • [W. Johnstone] "Our Domestic Policy II" (Dec, p.940)
  • 1830: v.27, v.28
    • v.27
    • [D. Robinson] "Political Economy IV" (Jan, p.22)
    • [Rev. E. Edwards] "The Effects of Variation in the Currency" (Jan, p.59)
    • [J = W. Johnstone] "Our Domestic Policy III - the condition of the lower orders" (Jan, p.90)
    • [James McQueen] "British Colonies, III by McQueen" (Feb, p.223)
    • [E. Edwards] "Condition and Prospects of the Agricultural Classes" (Mar, p.343)
    • [D. Robinson] "The Assembling of Parliament". p.376
    • ["Agricola" = Galt] "The Colonial Question" (Apr, p.455)
    • [D. Robinson] "The Taxes" (Apr, p.487)
    • [E. Edwards] "The Influence of Free Trade upon the conditions of the Laboring Classes" (Apr, p.553)
    • [Junius Colonus = Mr. Macgregor] "British America" (p.604)
    • "The Reform of the House of Commons" (Apr, p.640)
    • "The Influence of the Church of England in Society" (May, p.695)
    • [E. Edwards] "The Poor Laws in Ireland" (May, p.748)
    • [D. Robinson] "Hints to the Two Houses of Parliament", p.772
    • [Anon] "The Currency Question - Adjustment of the Standard of Value - One Pound Note Circulation" (May, p.792)
    • v.28 (Jul-Dec, 1830)
    • "Parties" (Jul, p.85)
    • [J. Wilson] "Sadler on the Balance of the Food and Numbers of Animated Nature" (Jul, p.109)
    • [E. Edwards] "Revenues of the Church of England" (Aug1, p.273)
    • "A General Election" (Aug2, p.289)
    • [Anon] "On the Supply and Exchangeable Value of the Precious Metals", (Aug2, p.338)
    • "French Revolution" (Sep, p.542)
    • "The Moors" (Oct, p.575) (memoirs of the participants of "The Tent" in 1819)
    • "The Present Crisis", (Oct, p.690)
    • "France and England" (Oct, p.699)
    • "Political Anticipations", (Nov, p.719)
    • [D. Robinson] "The Property and Government of the Church of England" (Nov, p.794)
    • "Letter to Christopher North Esq on the Spirit of the Age", (Dec, p.900)
    • "Letter on the Political Changes" (Dec p.984)
  • 1831: v.29, v.30
    • v.29 (Jan-Jun, 1831)
    • "On the Late French Revolution, No.1" (Jan, p.36)
    • "Parliamentary Savings and Doings", (p.132)
    • "The Present Cabinet in relation to the Times" (Feb1, p.143)
    • "On the Late French Revolution, No.II" (Feb1, p.175)
    • "The British Colonies - Anti-Colonists by J. MacQueen" (Feb1 p.186)
    • "Reform" (Feb1, p.235)
    • "Parliamentary Savings and Doings II", (Feb2, p.329)
    • [D. Robinson] "Parties" (p.346)
    • [J. Wilson] "Mr Sadler and the Edinburgh Reviewer: A prolusion in three chapters, by Christopher North (Feb2, p.392)
    • "On the French Revolution, and Parliamentary Reform, No.3" (Mar, p.429)
    • "British Colonies - James Stephen, by J. MacQueen" (p.454)
    • [D. Robinson] "The State of Ireland" (p.467)
    • "Parliamentary Savings and Doings III", (Mar, p.526)
    • "Letter from a Liberal Whig to Christopher North, Esq" (Apr, p.593)
    • [A. Alison] "On the French Revolution, No. 4 - the National Guard" (p.615)
    • [D. Robinson] "The Corn Law and a Fixed Duty" (p.645)
    • "Parliamentary Savings and Doings IV", (Apr, p.654)
    • "Reformers and Anti-Reformers - A word to the wise from Old Christopher" (May, p.721)
    • "Parliamentary Savings and Doings IV (again?, No. V really)", (May, p.732)
    • [A. Alison] "On Parliamentary Reform and the French Revolution, No.5" (May, p.745)
    • "The Minister's Plan of Reform" (May, p.783)
    • "Edinburgh Election" (Jun, p.867)
    • "On Parliamentary Reform and the French Revolution, No.6" (Jun, p.919)
    • [Alison? Alison] "On the Financial Measures of a Reformed Parliament, No. 1 - The Whig Budget" (Jun, p.968)
    • "The Lord Advocate on Reform" (p.980)
    • "Letter from the Whig-Hater on the Late Elections in England" (p.1011)
    • v.30 (Jul-Dec, 1831)
    • "On Parliamentary Reform and the French Revolution, No.7 - what should the peers do?" (Jul, p.17)
    • "Ireland and the Reform Bill", (p.52)
    • [A. Alison]  "The British Peerage" (Jul, p.82)
    • "The River Niger by J. McQueen", (p.130)
    • [Alison] "Modern French Historians, No. 1 - Salvandy's Poland" (Aug1), p.230
    • [A. Alison] "On Parliamentary Reform and the French Revolution, No.8" (Aug2, p.281)
    • "A Conversation on the Reform Bill" (Aug2, p.296)
    • "On the Approaching Revolution in Great Britain, and its proximate consequences" (p.313)
    • "Friendly Advice to the House of Lords, observations on a pamphlet", (p.330)
    • "Poem: Rational Fear, or Friendly advice to the Lords", (p.348)
    • [T.W.H.] "The Late debates on Reform" (p.391)
    • [A. Alison] "On Parliamentary Reform and the French Revolution, No.9 - the Consequences of Reform" (Sep, p.432)
    • ["A Bystander" = D. Robinson] "Sir H. Parnell on Financial Reform" (Sep, p.457)
    • "On the Foreign Policy of the Whig Administration, No. 1 - Belgium" (p.491)
    • "Opinions of an American Republican and of a British Whig on the Bill" (p.506)
    • "On Parliamentary Reform and the French Revolution, No.10 - What is the Bill now?" (Oct, p.600)
    • "What should the Peers do?" (Oct, p.702)
    • "Citizen Kings" (Nov, 1831, p.705)
    • [J. MQueen] "The Colonial Empire of Great Britain, letter to Earl Grey from James MacQueen Esq." (p.744)
    •  "On Parliamentary Reform and the French Revolution, No.11 - the rejection f the bill, the Scotch reform"" (Nov, p.765)
    • "On Parliamentary Reform and the French Revolution, No.12 - public opinion, popular violence" (Dec, p.890)
    • "On the Foreign Policy of the Whig Administration, No. 2 - Portugal" (p.912)
    • "Fragments from the History of John Bull" (p.954)
  • 1832: v.31, v.32
    • v.31
    • [Alison?] "Remote causes of the Reform Passion, No.1" (Jan), p.1
    • "State of Public Feeling in Scotland", p.65
    • "Protestant Affairs in Ireland", p.77
    • "On Parliamentary Reform and the French Revolution, No. 13 - Revolutionary concession, the new Bill", p.103
    • "Reply to Lord Brougham's Speech", p.117
    • "A Letter to the Lord Chancellor on the present state of the Established Church" (Feb1), p.181
    • "Geography of Africa - letter from J. McQueen", p.201
    • "New Project of Education in Ireland", (Feb2), p.289
    • "The Philosophy of London", p.353
    • [Alison] "A Creation of Peers", p.386
    • "Letter from Professor Dunbar and Mr. E.H. Barker" p.405
    • [Alison] "The West India Question - introduction", p.412
    • "Present Balance of Parties in the State", (Mar) p.425
    • "The Belgian Question", p.448
    • "What caused the Bristol Riots?", p.465
    • "Lord Castlereagh and Mr. Canning, letter from R.H. T.P. Courtenay", p.520
    • [Alison] "Chateaubriand, No.1 - Itineraire", p.553
    • "The Ministry and their supporters", p.566
    • "The Prospects of Britain" (Apr), p.569
    • [Alison? Alison.] "British finances- Abandonment of the Sinking Fund-Repeal of Taxes on Consumption- The Reform Deficit", p.598
    • "The Art of Government made Easy, in a letter from Satan to the Whigs", p.665
    • [Alison] "Dumont's Recollections of Mirabeau", (May) p.742
    • "Tory Misrule" p.772
    • "The Great West India Meeting", p.807
    • "Domestic Manners of the American", p.829
    • "The Reform Debate in the Lords", p.848
    • [De Quincey] "McGregor's British America", (Jun) p.907
    • "Letter from R.H. T. Peregrine Courtenay", p.951
    • [Alison] "Salvandy on the late French Revolution", (Jun) p.965
    • v.32
    • [Alison] "Memoirs of the Duchess of Abrantes" (Jul), p.35
    • [Alison] "Fall of the Constitution" (Jul), p.55
    • "Plan for the Gradual Abolition of Negro Slavery" (Jul), p.87
    • [Alison?] "Duties of the Conservative Party", p.139  (reviewed by Perronet Thompson in Westminster Review)
    • [J. Wilson] "Upper Canada, by a Backwoodsman", [Aug] p.238
    • "To the Future Electors of Great Britain" (Aug), p.263
    • "Fragments from the History of John Bull, ch.3 & 4" (Sep) p.313
    • "The Spanish Revolution", p.328
    • "Prospects of Britain under the New Constitution", p.343
    • [W. Johnstone] "The Duke of Wellington on the Finances of the Country - Close of session", p.375
    • "The Republican Exiles", (Oct1) p.431
    • "Sismondi and Italian Liberty" (Oct1), p.518
    • "Poland" (Oct2), p.612
    • "Foreign Affairs", p.615
    • [Alison? Alison] "Revolutionary Inroads - The Bank - The Corn Laws", p.671
    • "On Affairs in General", p.684
    • "Traditions of the Rabbins" (Nov), p.727
    • "The Working of the Bill", (Nov), p.824
    • "The State and Prospects of the Whig Government", (Nov) p.840
    • [Alison] "The French Revolution of 1830", (Dec) p.931
    • "Bristol: the trial of the magistrates and the reaction among the operatives", p.956
    • [Alison] Partition of the Kingdom of the Netherlands", p.996
    • "Poem - The Age of Wonders, or the New Whig War", p.1010
  • 1833: v.33, v.34
    • v.33
    • "The Portuguese War", (Jan) p.1
    • [Alison] "Ireland, No.1", p.66
    • "Future Balance of Parties", p.115
    • "A Short statement of the causes that have produced the late disturbances in the colony of Mauritius", (Feb) p.199
    • "Ireland No. 2 - the dismemberment of empire" (Feb), p.223
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke, Pt. 1" (Mar), p.277
    • [Samuel O'Sulllivan] "Tithes", p.321
    • "Ireland No.3 - the administration of justice", p.338
    • "A Last Appeal to King, Lords and Commons, from one of the old constitution", p.371
    • [J. Wilson] "The Factory System", (Apr1), p.419
    • "The Revolution of Greece, Pt. 1", p.476
    • "Ireland No. 4 - the coercive measures, church spoliation, grand jury system" (Apr2), p.563
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke, Pt. 2", p.597
    • "Traditions of the Rabbins", p.628
    • "Progress of the Movement: incipient plunder and subversion of the Irish church", p.651
    • "Letter to the King on the Irish Church Bill" (May) p.723
    • [Alison? Alison] "The East India Question", p.776
    • "Poem - Antwerp", p.807
    • [J. Wilson] "On the Poor's Laws and their introduction into Ireland", p.811
    • "Alison's History of the French Revolution", (Jun) p.889
    • [Alison] "The Fall of Turkey", p.931
    • v.34
    • "Memoir of Blackwood", (Jul) p.1
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke, Pt 3", p.25
    • "Prussia, or the progress of rational reform", p.55
    • "State and Prospects of France", p.95
    • "Rev. Charles Boyton of Trinity College Dublin", p.171
    • [Alison? Alison] "On the Financial Policy of Mr. Pitt and His Successors" (Aug), p.179
    • [McQueen] "British Tropical Colonies, letters to Stanley from J. McQueen, I", p.231
    • "America, No.1", (Sep) p.285
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke, Pt. 4", p.317
    • "The False Medium" (Oct1), p.440
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke, Pt. 5", p.485
    • "America, No.2", p.548
    • "The Irish Union" (Oct2), p.573
    • [McQueen] "Letters to Stanley from J. McQueen, II", p.611
    • [Alison] "France in 1833, No.1 - its political state", p.641
    • "Marshal Ney's Memoirs", p.657
    • "Thoughts Upon Beards", p.670
    • "English Cathedral Establishments", p.677
    • "Hindu Drama" (Nov), p.715
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke, Part 6" (Nov), p.739
    • [Alison? Alison] "The First Session of the Reformed Parliament", p.776
    • "The Spanish Succession", p.804
    • "Fragments from the History of John Bull, Chs.5-7" (Dec), p.890
    • [Alison] "France in 1833, No.2 - effects of the revolution of the barricades on government, religion, morals and literature", p.902
    • "Retribution", p.953
  • 1834: v.35, v.36
    • No.35 (Jan-Jun, 1834)
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke, No.7", (Jan), p.27
    • "Reminiscences of Napoleon Bonaparte at St. Helena, by a Lady", p.48
    • [Alison?] "Hints to the Aristocracy: A retrospect of forty years, from the first of January 1834", p.68
    • "Hindu Drama, No.2", p.122
    • "The Irish Union, No.2" (Feb), p.204
    • "The Progress of Social Disorganization, No.1 - the Schoolmaster", p.228
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke, Pt. 8", p.273
    • "Whig Persecutions of the Press", (Mar) p.295
    • [Alison? Alison] "The Progress of Social Disorganization, No.2 - the Trades' Unions", p.331
    • "The Irish Union, No.3"  p.386
    • "Refutation of Aspersions on the British Army", p.405
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke, Pt. 9", (Apr) p.508
    • [Alison?] "The Progress of Social Disorganization, No.3 - the Prostration of Government", p.526
    • "Lords Brougham, Lyndhurst and Local Courts", p.562
    • "Mirabeau", (May1), p.622
    • "The Progress of Social Disorganization, No.4 - Decay of the Wooden Walls of England", p.675
    • "Admission of Dissenters to Degrees in the English Universities", p.716
    • [Alison? Alison] "Attacks on the Church (May2), p.731
    • [Alfred Mallalieu] "The Corn Law Question", p.792
    • [J. Wilson] "Combinations", p.836
    • "Present State of Parties" (Jun), p.883
    • "The Church and Its Enemies: Letter from a Liberal Whig", p.954
    • v.36 (Jul-Dec)
    • "The Dissolution of the Reform Ministry - the Radical Rump", (Jul), p.82
    • "Results of the Triumph of the Barricades" (Aug), p.209
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke, Pt. 12 (should be Pt.10)", p.228
    • "Fall of Earl Grey", p.246
    • "Fragments of the History of John Bull, Ch.8-10", (Sep) p.289
    • [G. Croly] "Edmund Burke - Conclusion", p.322
    • [Alison?] "The Influence of the Press", p.373
    • "Memoirs of Mirabeau", (Oct) p.458
    • "Foreign Affairs", p.507
    • "The Austrian Government of Italy", p.530
    • "Coleridge's Poetical Works", p.542
    • "Death of Mr. Blackwood", p.571
    • [Alison] "The Old Scottish Parliament", (Nov), p.661
    • "Character of the Reform Parliament", p.673
    • "Ireland" (Dec), p.747
  • 1835: v.37, v.38
    • v.37 (Jan-Jun)
    • [G. Croly] "William Pitt, Pt.1", (Jan), p.1
    • "Fragments from the History of John Bull, ch.6-ch.8 and conclusion", p.18
    • "Prince Talleyrand", p.76
    • "Letter from a Liberal Whig", p.125
    • "Bishop of Exeter and Lord John Russell" (Feb1), p.145
    • [G. Croly] "William Pitt, Pt. 2", p.161
    • "Ireland", p.210
    • "Sonnet on the Duke of Wellington" (Feb2), p.353
    • "Letter from a Liberal Whig" (Feb2), p.373
    • "A Whig as he Ought to Be - A Pure Old Whig", p.412
    • "The Result of the Elections", p.428
    • "Shall we have a Conservative Government?", (Mar) p.431
    • "Whig or Tory", p.445
    • [G. Croly] "William Pitt, Pt. 3", p.477
    • [G. Croly] "William Pitt, Pt. 4" (Apr), p.557
    • "A Screed on Politics by the Ettrick Shepherd", p.634
    • "Mant's British Months", p.684
    • "Democracy in America by Mons. de Tocqueville", (May), p.758
    • "Change of Ministry", p.796
    • [G. Croly] "William Pitt, No.5", (Jun), p.843
    • "Parliamentary Report on Lighthouses", p.884
    • "The Canada Question", p.909
    • "Letter from a Liberal Whig", p.937
    • "Municipal and Corporate Revolution", p.964
    • v.38 (Jul-Dec) (sep)
    • "Conservative Associations" (Jul), p.1
    • "Public Education in France", p.16
    • [G. Croly] "William Pitt, Pt.6", p.45
    • "Tomkins on the Aristocracy of England", p.98
    • "Anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo", p.112
    • "Alison's History of Europe during the French Revolution", (Aug) p.167
    • "Foreign Policy", p.205
    • [Alison? Alison] "Church Robbery", p.248
    • "Modern Dunciad", (Sep), p.289
    • [G. Croly] "William Pitt, No.7" (Sep), p.356
    • "Whither Are We Tending?", p.388
    • "The Ballot - Before and After - dramatic sketch", p.404
    • [G. Croly] "William Pitt, No.8", (Oct) p.431
    • "State of Protestantism in France, no.1", p.493
    • "The Late Crisis and Session of Parliament", p.516
    • "Shall we Overturn the Peers?", (Nov), p.573
    • "Naples under the Bourbons and Bonapartes", p.610
    • [G. Croly] "William Pitt, No.9", p.626
    • "The O'Connell Domination" (Dec), p.715
    • "Memoirs of Luther, written by himself", p.749
    • "India", p.803
    • "The Philosophy of Poetry", p.827
  • 1836: v.39, v.40
    • v.39 (Jan-Jun)
    • [A. Mallalieu] "Foreign Policy-Foreign Commerce-and the Prusso-Germanic Custom-House League" (Jan), p.49
    • "The Future", p.99
    • "Protestantism in France", p.113
    • "Poem - The Legend of Santarem", p.125
    • [A. Mallalieu] "Foreign Policy and Foreign Commerce" (Feb), p.145
    • "Meetings for the Irish Clergy", p.156
    • "Report of the Select Committee on Orange Lodges in Ireland", p.209
    • "The Trojan Horse, or siege of Troy explained", p.225
    • [G. Croly] "William Pitt, No. 9 (should be No. 10", (Mar), p.313
    • [A. Mallalieu] "The Cotton Manufacture", p.407
    • "Oxford and Dr. Hampden" (Apr), p.425
    • "State of Protestantism in France", p.456
    • "The Chevalier d'Industrie", p.514
    • "The Marriage and Registration Bills" (May), p.601
    • "Foreign Results of Democratic Ascendancy in France and England", p.655
    • "Oxford and Dr. Hampden" (Jun), p.768
    • [Alison? Alison] "What is our External Policy and Condition?", p.780
    • "The Metaphysician, No.1 - On the Philosophy of Locke", p.798
    • [J. Wilson] "Definitions of Wealth", p.821
    • "Letter from a Liberal Whig", p.836
    • v.40 (Jul-Dec)
    • [Alison] "The British School of Painting" (Jul), p.74
    • [A. Mallalieu] "The Cotton Manufacture an the Factory System", (Jul), p.100
    • "Past and Present" (Aug), p.180
    • "Ethics of Politics", p.218
    • [Alison] "The British School of Architecture" (Aug), p.227
    • [Alison?] "Experience of Democracy - the prospects of the constitution", (Sep) p.293
    • "Letters on America by a French Gentleman - the Island of Cuba - Havanah", p.322
    • "The War of Spartacus: A historical episode", p.377
    • "Parliament", (Oct) p.437
    • [Dr. William Pultney Alison] "Evils of the State of Ireland", p.493
    • "Foreign Policy; Spain Carlist, Christino and Constitutional", p.561
    • "State Education in France" (Nov), p.579
    • "The House of Peers", p.595
    • "Toreno's History of the Spanish Insurrection", p.644
    • "Religious Liberty in France", (Dec), p.722
    • [Alison? Alison] "The Voluntary Principle", p.787
    • [W. Pultney Alison] "Justice to Ireland - A Poor Law", p.812
  • 1837: v.41, v.42
    • v.41 (Jan-Jun)
    • "The Duke of Wellington's Dispatches, No. 1 - Campaign in India", (Jan) p.1
    • "The World we Live in, No.3", p.33
    • "Sketches among the Poor", (Jan) p.48
    • "Democracy", p.71
    • [A. Mallalieu] "Whig-Radical Prosperity" (Feb), p.145
    • "The World we Live in, No.4", p.163
    • "Historical Painting", p.183
    • "The Duke of Wellington's Dispatches, No. 2 - Armament at Trincomalee", p.200
    • "A Word in Season to the Conservatives of Scotland", p.241
    • "Foreign Policy", p.276
    • "The Prospects of the Session" (Mar), p.301
    • "The World we Live in, No.5", p.325
    • "The Church of England", (Mar), p.341
    • "Historical Painting", p.343
    • [Doubleday] "Letter from Thomas Doubleday Esq. to the Right Hon. Lord Brougham and Vaux", p.363 (on Malthusianism)
    • "On Fictitious Votes", p.375
    • "The Duke of Wellington's Dispatches, No. 3 - War in the Deccan", (Apr) p.445
    • "The World we Live in, No.6", p.463 (on Oxford)
    • "Napoleon in Council", p.529
    • "Fragments from the History of John Bull, Pt. 2", p.544
    • [A. Mallalieu] "The Whigs - The Radicals - The Middle Classes - and the People", p.553
    • [Alison] "The Spanish Contest" (May), p.573
    • "The World we Live in, No.7", p.600
    • "Secrets of History, No.1 - The Spanish Conspiracy against Venice", p.643
    • [D. Cheape] "The English Church-Rates and the Scotch Church Establishment", p.682
    • "Sierra Leone", p.693
    • "Dispatches of the Duke of Wellington, No.4", p.706
    • [Alison] "Modern French Classics, No.1 - Madame de Stael and Chateaubriand", (Jun), p.715
    • "The World we Live in, No.8" (Jun), p.727
    • "This Time Two Years", p.752
    • "The Westminster Election", p.778
    • "A Speech which would have been spoken in the House of Lords upon the Irish Municipal Corporation Bill, had not circumstances prevented", p.813
    • [A. Mallalieu] "The Ministry and the People, the Workhouse System, the Factory System and the Ten Hours Bill", p.836
    • v.42 (Jul-Aug)
    • "Sir John Sinclair" (Jul), p.1
    • [Alison] "The Athenian Democracy", p.44
    • "The World We Live In, No.9", p.61
    • "Revolt of the Tartars", p.89
    • "Sonnet to the Queen", (Aug), p.1xx
    • "Prisons and Penitentiaries in France", p.145
    • "London and Rome", p.159
    • "The British Legion", p.169
    • "The World We Live In, No.10", p.195
    • [Alison] "The Late Commercial Crisis", p.210
    • "The Elections", p.238
    • "The Elections" (Sep), p.293
    • "The World We Live In, No. 11", p.309
    • "Exhibitions - the Royal Academy", p.330
    • "Monypenny on Church Extension", p.376
    • "Animal Magnetism in London in 1837", p.384
    • "A Glance at the State and Prospects of Ireland" (Oct), p.429
    • "The Involuntary Experimentalist", p.487
    • "Exhibitions - British Institution", p.493
    • "The World We Live In, No.12", p.506
    • "Political Pastorals No. 1 - Daniel", p.526 (O'Connell)
    • "Ministerial Alternatives", p.530
    • "Origins du Droit Francais", p.539
    • "The 'No Patronage' Government", p.605
    • "Dispatches of the Duke of Wellington, No. 5 - Campaign of 1808", p.661
    • "The World We Live In, No.13", p.673
    • "The National Gallery", p.693
    • "Alison's History of the French Revolution" (Dec), p.719
    • [A fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge] "The British Colonization of New Zealand", p.784
    • "The World We Live In, No.14", p.796
    • "Justice to Ireland", p.828
    • "The Augsburg Goldsmith: a tale of the fifteenth century", p.843
  • 1838: v.43, v.44
    • v.43
    • "Modern French Classics, No. 2" (Jan) p.33
    • "Life of Wallenstein, Duke of Friedland", p.46
    • "The World We Live In, No.15", p.64
    • "Russia", p.97
    • "What have the Ministry Done?", p.113
    • [J.F. Ferrier] "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Consciousness", (Feb), p.187
    • "A Sketch of the Canadas", p.214
    • "Ministerial Policy in the Canadas", p.228
    • "Practical Working of Trades' Unions", (Mar) p.281
    • "Thiers", p.311
    • "Political Parallels", p.360
    • "How to Avoid Fighting a Duel", p.371
    • "Canada and Ireland", p.385
    • "Dispatches of the Duke of Wellington, No.6", p.408
    • "Discontents of the Working Classes" (Apr), p.421
    • [J.F. Ferrier]  "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Consciousness, Part 2", p.437
    • "The World We Live In, No.16", p.453
    • "New Scheme for Maintaining the Poor - Poor Law Sonnets, p.489
    • "Mrs Trollope's Vienna and the Austrians", p.494
    • "Court and Cabinet Gossip of a New Regin", p.508
    • "Tomkins Redevivus" (on censorship), (May), p.565
    • "The Arabian Empire", (May), p.661.
    • "The King's German Legion", (June) p.739
    • "The Archbishop of Cologne and the King of Prussia<, p.757
    • [J.F. Ferrier]  "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Consciousness, Part 3", p.784
    • "Whig Practices an Whig Professions", p.791
    • "The Protestant Clergy of Ireland", p.805
    • "The Portfolio - by X.M.P. No. 1 - the Peel Dinner - the Appropriation clause", p.828
    • v.44
    • "Casimir Perier", (Jul), p.34
    • "Coronation Ode for Queen Victoria, by James Montgomery", p.140
    • [Alison] "Arnold's History of Rome", (Aug) p.141
    • "Casimir Perier, Pt. 2", p.162
    • [J.F. Ferrier]  "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Consciousness, Pt.4", p.234
    • "The Reciprocity and the Colonial Systems", (Sep) p.317
    • "Whig-Radical Corruption", p.345
    • "Letters of an Attache", p.369
    • "Coronation Sonnets", p.402
    • "The Cabinet and the Country" (Oct), p.429
    • "Progress of Popery", p.494
    • "On Catholicism, Protestantism and Philosophy in France by M. Guizot", p.524
    • [J.F. Ferrier]  "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Consciousness, Part 5", p.539
    • "Historical Coincidences" (Nov), p.597
    • "Tick on Scientific Principles", p.612
    • "Colonial Misgovernment", p.624
    • [Alison?] "The Corn Laws", p.650
    • "New South Wales", p.690
    • "War in Disguise: France-Mexico-Buenos Ayres", (Dec) p.717
    • "The Liberalism of Popery", p.730
    • "Affairs of the East", p.769
    • "Tranquility in Ireland", p.795
  • 1839: v.45 (no idx, us), v.46
    • v.45 (Jan-Jun, 1839)
    • "Italy as it was" (Jan), p.62
    • "De Lamartine", p.76
    • "Persia, Afghanistan and India", p.93
    • "Mitchell's Second and Third Expeditions", p.113
    • "New Edition of Ben Jonson" (Feb), p.145
    • [De Quincey] "Dilemma on the Corn Law Question", p.170
    • "Reflections on Punch - Morals and Manners", p.190
    • [J.F. Ferrier]  "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Consciousness, Pt. 6", p.201
    • "Ireland under the Triple Alliance", p.212
    • "A Discourse on Goethe and the Germans", p.247
    • "Secular and Religious Education", p.275
    • "Peru as it is", (Mar), p.287
    • "Ireland under the Triple Alliance - the Popular Party, Roman Catholic Priests and the Queen's Ministers", p.341
    • [J.F. Ferrier]  "An Introduction to the Philosophy of Consciousness, the Conclusion (Pt. 7)", p.419
    • "France and Her Elections", (Apr) p.431
    • "On the English Language", p.455
    • "A Week at Manchester", p.481
    • "Letter on Scotch Nationality" (May), p.643
    • "Assassins and Bull Fights", p.656
    • "The Late Political Events", (Jun), p.715
    • "Whig Decline and Degradation", p.795
    • v.46 (Jul-Dec, 1839)
    • "French Literature of the Eighteenth Century by M. Villedemain",  (Jul) p.1
    • [Alison] "Colonial Government and the Jamaica Question", (Jul) p.75
    • "On Hume's Argument against Miracles", p.91
    • "Turkey, Egypt and the Affairs of the East", p.100
    • "To the Protestants of Scotland", (Aug), p.177
    • "The Lungs of London", p.212
    • "Alison's History of the French Revolution", p.272
    • "The Chartists and Universal Suffrage", (Sep) p.289
    • "French Literature of the Eighteenth-Century, Part II", p.321
    • "The Cossacks", p.345
    • "Song-Writing, Moore", p.368
    • "Henry Grattan", p.392
    • "The Court - the Cabinet-and the Country, p.417
    • "Casuistry", (Oct), p.455
    • "Goethe's Life and Works, No.1", p.476
    • [Alison?] "Whig and Tory Finance", p.494
    • "Ten Thousand a-Year, Part 1", p.505
    • "Henry Grattan Pt. 2", p.529
    • "State Trials, specimen of a new edition", p.548
    • "On the Present Position of the Church of Scotland, Pt. 1", (Nov) p.573
    • "Goethe's Life and Works, No.2", p.597
    • "Ten Thousand a Year, Part 2", p.620
    • "Philosophy of Roman History", p.644
    • "Murder considered as one of the fine arts", p.661
    • "Napoleon's telegraph on Montmartre", p.689
    • "The Crowning of Charlemagne", p.691
    • "Have you read Ossian?", p.693
    • "On Agriculture: a letter from Eusebius to his Friend, and his reply", (Dec) p.733
    • "Lector on Lay Quibbling", p.744
    • "Colonial Neglect and Foreign Propitiation", p.752
    • "On the Present Condition of the Church of Scotland, Pt. 2", p.799
    • "Dinner Real and Reputed", p.815
    • "Ten Thousand a-Year, Pt 3", p.832
  • 1840: v.47, v.48
    • v.47 (Jan-Jun)
    • "Goethe's Life and Works, No. 3", (Jan) p.31
    • "Thoughts Upon Asses", p.57
    • "Hints on History; or a glance at the Dark Ages, Pt. 1", p.65
    • "On the Essenes", p.103
    • "Theory of Greek Tragedy" (Feb), p.145
    • "Wellington" by Archaus, p.172
    • "Miss Martineau - Dearrook", p.177
    • "Algiers", p.217
    • "Poetical Translations from Faust", p.223
    • [Alison?] "The Afghanistan Expedition", p.241 - blames Afghan war partly on centralization of Indian administration and glut of British manuf in Indian markets, resulting from removal of EIC monopoly in 1813.
    • "Casuistry", p.260
    • "Hints on History, Pt. 2", p.273
    • "The Plagiarisms of S.T. Coleridge" (Mar), p.287
    • "Jerusalem", p.357
    • "War with China, and the Opium Question", p.368
    • "The Vote of Confidence in Ministers", p.412
    • "The Veto - a new Song", (Apr) p.456
    • "Aboukir", p.458
    • "On the Essenes, Pt. 2", p.463
    • "Khiva, Central Asia and Cabul", p.512
    • [Alison?] "The Anti-National Faction", p.544
    • "Modern Superstition", p.553
    • "Goethe's Life and Works, No. 4" (May), p.607
    • "On the Essenes, Pt. 3", p.639
    • [De Quincey] "The Opium and China Question", (Jun) p.717  - blames opium war on free trade, defends EIC monopoly on trade with China that was withdrawn in 1833.
    • "Progress of Protestantism in France", p.763
    • [De Quincey] "Postscript to the Opium and the China Question", p.847 - claims Wellington agreed with him.
    • v.48 (Jul-Dec)
    • "Style" (Jul), p.1
    • "Cicala Pasha - a chapter of Turkish history", p.18
    • "The History of Europe", p.64
    • "Circassia", p.84
    • "Germany, by Charles Juius Weber", p.119
    • "Lord Stanley's Irish Registration Bill", p.135
    • "A Second chapter of Turkish history - Abaza", (Aug) p.177
    • "Tea-totalism and total abstinence", p.214
    • "Camoens: A dramatic sketch by Frederick Halm", p.220
    • "The History of the Celtic Language", p.249
    • "Art and its Vehicles", p.255
    • "Sketch of France and England in the Seventeenth Century", p.259
    • "Hints for the Hustings", Sep), p.289
    • "The Boundary Question", p.331
    • "Lector on the Legal Merits of the Iliad", p.355
    • "Style, Part II", p.387
    • "Democracy in America" (Oct), p.463
    • "Baden-Baden", p.478
    • "National Gallery", p.481
    • "The Austrians", p.487
    • "Style, No.3", p.508
    • "France", p.523
    • "The Candidates' Garland", p.534
    • "Foreign Politics", p.546
    • "Ten Years of Whig Government", (Nov) p.563
    • "De Quincey's Revenge, by Delat", p.578
    • "Louis Philippe", p.587
    • "Fall of Baghdad - a chapter of Turkish history", p.595
    • "The Caucasian War", p.619
    • "Circassian War Song", p.675
    • "Reminiscences of the Year 1813 in Germany", (Dec) p.743
    • "Whig and Tory: A metrical meditation", p.792
    • "On Population", p.808
    • "The Non-Intrusion Question", p.835 (Kirk of Scotland)
  • 1841: v.49, v.50
    • v.49 (Jan-Jun)
    • A Fourth Chapter of Turkish History: Wars with the Mamlukes", (Jan), p.33
    • "Mohammed Ali", p.65
    • "England, France, Germany and Russia", p.97
    • "Africa", p.109
    • "The Speeches in Thucydides", p.114
    • "Mr Thiers's Foreign Policy", p.127
    • "History of France, by M. Michelet", (Feb) p.141
    • "Syria", p.181
    • "The Philanthropists - poem", p.197
    • "The Secret Societies of Asia: Assassins and Thugs", p.229
    • "The Dourraunee Empire", (Mar) p.281
    • "The Margate Voyage", p.342
    • "Fifth Chapter of Turkish History: Conquest of Egypt", p.344
    • "Wordsworth", p.359
    • "Conservative Prospects", p.406
    • "Warren Hastings, No.1", (Apr) p.423
    • "France versus England", p.457
    • "The Holocaust: An episode in the Peninsular War", p.475
    • "The World of London", p.483
    • "Spain and Portugal", p.538
    • "Banking and Currency", p.550
    • NO MAY idx
    • "Niebuhr", (May) p.565
    • "The Treasure-Convoy: A passage in the early carreer of the Impecinado", p.589
    • "The Travels of Ebn Batuta", p.597
    • "The World of London, No.2", p.630
    • "Warren Hastings, No.2", p.638
    • "The Wars of the Scots in France", p.657
    • "The Whig Ministry", (Jun), p.705
    • "Russia as it was in the Summer and Winter of 1812", p.737
    • "The Kirghiz-Kazaks", p.791
    • v.50 (Jul-Dec)
    • [Alison?] "The Whig Dissolution", (July), p.1
    • "Free Trade for Ever and Every Thing Cheap - a New Election Song", p.31
    • "Plato's Republic", p.40
    • "The World of London, Pt. 3", p.60
    • "Ten Years of the Whigs", p.83
    • "Non-Intrusion" (Aug), p.127
    • "Traits and Tendencies of German Literature", p.143
    • "Results of Our Afghan Conquests", p.161
    • "The French in Algeria", p.183
    • "World of London, Pt. 4", p.200
    • "A Glance at the Elections", p.229
    • "Lessons from the Past", (Sep), p.275
    • "Chapters of Turkish History, No. 6, Battle of Mohacz", p.294
    • "World of London, Pt, 5", p.325
    • "The Spanish Gipsies", p.352
    • "Biron and the Bastile", p.374
    • [De Quincey] "Sir Robert Peel's Position on Next Resuming Power", p.393
    • "Good-bye to the Whigs: a song of rejoicing", p.410
    • [De Quincey] "Homer and the Homeridae, Pt.1", (Oct), p.411
    • "England and Her European Allies" (Oct), p.449
    • "World of London, Pt. 6", p.477
    • "Old and Modern Rules of Drinking", p.490
    • "Tomkins's Letter to Jenkins on the Manchester Conference and the Corn Laws", p.506
    • [J.F. Ferrier]  "The Crisis of Modern Speculation", p.527 (philosophy)
    • [C. Neaves] "Prospects under the Peel Ministry", p.537
    • "European History" (Nov), p.547
    • "Report from the Select Committee on Fine Arts", p.585
    • "Chapters of Turkish History, No. 7 - the first siege of Vienna", p.596
    • "Hebraistics", p.609
    • [De Quincey] "Homer and the Homeridae, Pt.2 - the Iliad", p.618
    • "The Canadas", p.642
    • "A Conservative Song", p.658
    • "Social and Moral Condition of the Manufacturing Districts in Scotland", p.659
    • [De Quincey] "Canton Expedition and Convention", p.677
    • "Modern Schools of Art in France, Belgium, and Switzerland", (Dec), p.689
    • "Philosophic Nuts", p.740
    • [De Quincey] "Homer and the Homeridae, Pt.3 - Verdict on the Homeric Question", p.747
    • "World of London, Pt. 7", p.767
    • "The Tittle-Tattle of a Philosopher", p.779
    • "The Tower of London", p.792
    • "The United States", p.814
  • 1842: v.51, v.52
    • v.51 (Jan-Jun, 1842)
    • [De Quincey] "Philosophy of Herodotus", (Jan), p.1
    • "World of London, Pt. 8", p.22
    • "Paris - Chronicles of the Cite", p.87
    • "The Copyright Question", p.107
    • "The Deserted Village", p.122
    • "Ten Years of the Whigs", p.130
    • "Things of the Day" (Feb), p.141
    • "Protestantism in Geneva - A retrospect", p.162
    • "World of London, Pt. 9", p.173
    • "Northern Circuit, No.1", p.193
    • "Lewis on the Government of Dependencies", p.213
    • "Ten Years of the Whigs", p.258
    • [De Quincey] "The Pagan Oracles", (Mar) p.277
    • "Notes on the Fisheries of the Scotch East Coast", p.296
    • "The Prussian Monarchy", p.333
    • "Northern Circuit, No.2", p.356
    • "World of London, Pt.10", p.370
    • "Thoughts upon the modes of Ornamenting the New Houses of Parliament", p.388
    • [Croly & J.F.W. Johnston] "Things of the Day No.2 - Army, Church of England, Circassia, Agriculture, Corn Laws", p.398
    • "World of London, Pt. 11" (Apr), p.417
    • "The Natural in Art", p.435
    • "Five Years in India", p.474
    • "Northern Circuit, No.3", p.487
    • "Things of the Day No.3 - Dost Mohammed, Ireland, Cemetiries, Earthquake, Marriage, Style, Photography, Poor Laws", p.506
    • "To I-B, by the author of the Life of Burke", p.535
    • [De Quincey] "Sir Robert Peel's Policy", p.537
    • "Things of the Day, No.4 - Music, nunneries, bibliomania, Dr Dee, Circassia, Copyright, Steam" (May), p.621
    • "World of London, Pt. 12", p.639
    • "Northern Circuit, No.4", p.661
    • "Cabul and Afghanistan", p.676
    • "Personal Narrative of a Journey from Heraut to Ourenbourg on the Caspian in 1840" (Jun), p.692
    • [J.F.W. Johnston] "Science and Agriculture", p.738
    • "Things of the Day No.5 - Thames Tunnel, Madame d'Arblay, Railway, Hamburg", p.782
    • [J.F. Ferrier]  "Berkeley and Idealism", p.812
    • v.52 (July-Dec, 1842)
    • [De Quincey] "Cicero", (Jul), p.1
    • "World of London, No.13", p.85
    • "Afghanistan and India", p.100
    • "A Record of the Pyramids", p.113
    • [De Quincey] "Modern Greece", p.120
    • "The Session of Parliament", (Aug) p.143
    • "Why not Colonize Cabul?", p.155
    • "Human Sacrifices in India", p.177
    • "Chapters of Turkish History, No.8 - Barbarossa of Algiers", p.184
    • "Merivale on Colonies and Colonization", p.206
    • "The Income Tax - an Excellent New Song", p.234
    • [De Quincey] "Anti-Corn-Law Deputation to Sir Robert Peel", p.271
    • "Poems and Ballads of Schiller, No.1", (Sep) p.285
    • [De Quincey]  "Ricardo Made Easy, or What is the Radical Difference between Ricardo and Adam Smith?", p.338
    • "The Northern Circuit, No.5", p.354
    • "History of France - Michelet, Pt.1", p.386
    • "The Riots", p.410.  (on the Plug Riots)
    • "European History", (Oct) p.419
    • "Poems and Ballads of Schiller, No.2", p.447
    • [De Quincey]  "Ricardo Made Easy, or What is the Radical Difference between Ricardo and Adam Smith?, Part II", p.457
    • "History of France, Pt. II - Charlemagne", p.530
    • [R. Sowler] "The League's Revenge", p.547  (blames Plug Riots on reduction of Corn Law in 1842; article denounced by Torrens's Letter to Peel).
    • "Poems and Ballads of Schiller, No.3" (Nov), p.562
    • "Marquis Wellesley", p.606
    • "A Lay of the League", p.640
    • [R. Sowler?] "Revolt of the Workers - the Employer and the Employed", p.642
    • [De Quincey] "Ricardo Made Easy, or What is the Radical Difference between Ricardo and Adam Smith?, Pt. 3", (Dec) p.718
    • "Poems and Bllads of Schiller, No.4", p.751
    • "Sir Joshua Reynold's Discrouses", p.767
    • "Dickens's American Notes for General Circulation", p.783
  • 1843: v.53, v.54
    • v.53 (Jan-Jun, 1843)
    • "Great Britain at the Commencement of the Year 1843" (Jan), p.1
    • "World of London, Second Series, Pt.1", p.67
    • "East and South of Europe", p.101
    • "Arnold's Lectures on History" (Feb), p.141
    • "Poems and Ballads of Schiller, No.5", p.166
    • "World of London, Second Series, Pt.2", p.225
    • "Eyre's Cabul", p.239
    • "The Evacuation of Afghanistan", p.266
    • "Poems and Ballads of Schiller, No.6" (Mar), p.302
    • "The Tale of a Tube: an additional chapter - how Jack ran mad a second time", p.352
    • "World of London, Second Series, Pt.3", p.379
    • "Comte", p.397
    • "The Practice of Agriculture" (Apr) p.415
    • "Poems and Ballads of Schiller, No.7", p.433
    • "Occupation of Aden", p.485
    • "Lord Ellenborough and the Whigs", p.539
    • "The Battle of the Blocks: the paving question" (May), p.614
    • "Poems and Ballads of Schiller, No.8", p.626
    • [A. Mallalieu] "Commercial Policy, Spain", p.673
    • "Marston, or the memoirs of a statesman" (Jun), p.693
    • "Chapters of Turkish History: Rise of Kiuprili Family, Siege of Candia, No.9", p.718
    • "Mr Bailey's Reply to an Article in Blackwood's Magazine", p.762 (on Berkeley)
    • [A. Mallalieu] "Commercial Policy - Russia", p.807
    • v.54 (Jul-Dec 1843)
    • "Marston, Pt. 2" (Jul), p.1
    • "The Aristocracy of England", p.51
    • "Past and Present by Thomas Carlyle", p.121
    • "Poems and Ballads of Schiller, Part the Last" (Aug), p.139
    • "Chapters of Turkish History No. 10 - the Second siege of Vienna", p.173
    • "Marston, Pt. 3" (Aug), p.207
    • [A. Mallalieu] "Commercial Policy - Europe", p.243
    • "The Repeal Agitation", p.264 (O'Connell's Irish movement to repeal act of Union)
    • "We are all Low People There' - A tale of the Assizes", (Sep) p.275
    • "Frederick Schlegel", p.311
    • "Marston, Pt. 4", p.325
    • "The Bankruptcy of the Greek Kingdom", p.345
    • "A Sketch in the Tropics - from a Supercargo's log", p.362
    • "Women's Rights and Duties", p.373
    • "A Plea for Ancient Towns against Railways", p.398
    • [A. Mallalieu] "Commercial Policy - Ships, colonies and commerce", p.406
    • "Mill's Logic" (Oct), p.415
    • "Reminiscences of Syria", p.476
    • "Physical Science in England", p.514
    • "Chronicles of Paris: the Rue St. Denis", p.525
    • "The Last Session of Parliament", p.538
    • "The Banking-House, Part 1", (Nov) p.576
    • "The Wrongs of Women", p.597
    • "Marston, Pt. 5", p.608
    • "Ceylon", p.622
    • [A. Mallalieu] "Commercial Policy - Ships, colonies and commerce, Pt.2", p.637
    • "A Speculation on the Senses", p.650
    • "Commercial Intercourse between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans", p.658
    • "The Game Up with Repeal Agitation", p.679
    • "The Banking House, Pt.2", (Dec), p.719
    • "Notes of a tour of the disturbed districts of Wales", p.766
    • "Marston, Pt. 6", p.801
  • 1844: v.55, v.56
    • v.55 (Jan-Jun, 1844)
    • "The Banking-House, Pt 3 (last)", (Jan), p.50
    • "Marston, Pt. 7", p.81
    • "Position and Prospects of Government", p.103
    • "The Heretic", (Feb) p.133
    • "The Prophecy of the Twelve Tribes - poem", p.196
    • "Secession from the Church of Scotland", p.221
    • "The Land of Slaves (Ireland poem)", p.257
    • [Alison] "Free Trade and Protection", p.259
    • "Ethiopia" (Mar), p.269
    • "A Word or Two of the Opera-tive Classes, by Lorgnon", p.292
    • "Marston, Pt. 9", p.362
    • "Goethe", p.380
    • [Alison] "Free Trade and Protection - the Corn Laws", (Mar) p.385
    • "The Slave Trade" (Apr), p.425
    • "Moslem Histories of Spain - the Arabs of Cordova", p.431
    • "The British Fleet", p.462
    • "Marston, Pt. 10", p.483
    • "Ireland", p.518
    • "Imprisonment and Transportation, No.1 - the increase of crime", (May) p.533
    • "Rhine and Rhinelanders", p.546
    • "Marston, Pt.11", p.561
    • "Indian Affairs - Gwalior", p.579
    • "Ireland - the Landlord and Tenant Question", p.638
    • "Africa - Slave Trade - Tropical Colonies", (Jun) p.731
    • "Beau Brummell", p.769
    • "The Actual Condition of the Greek State", p.785
    • v.56 (Jul-Dec, 1844)
    • "Causes of the Increase of Crime" (Jul), p.1
    • "Poems and Ballads of Goethe, No.1", p.54
    • "My first love - a sketch in New York", p.69
    • "Martin Luther - an Ode", p.80
    • "Portugal", p.100 (Pombal)
    • "Marston, Pt 12", p.114
    • "Afghanistan" (Aug), p.133
    • "Ancient Canal - the Nile and the Red Sea", p.182
    • "Some Remarks on Schiller's Maid of Orleans", p.216
    • "Lord Eldon", p.245
    • "M. Louis Blanc", (Sep) p.265
    • "Natural History of Man", p.312
    • "Marston, Pt.13", p.343
    • "The Burns' Festival", p.370
    • "The Life of a Diplomatist" (Oct), p.401
    • "Poems and Ballads of Goethe, No.2", p.417
    • "The Great Drought" p.433
    • "Thierry's History of the Gauls", p.466
    • "Greece under the Romans", p.524
    • "The O'Connell Case" (Nov), p.539
    • "French Socialists", p.588
    • "Marston, Pt. 14", p.601
    • "Poems by Elizabeth B. Barrett", p.621
    • "Lamartine", p.657
    • "The Scottish Banking System", (Dec) p.671
    • "Injured Ireland", p.701
    • "'That's what we are'", p.741
    • "Edmund Burke", p.745
    • "Guizot", p.786
  • 1845: v.57, v.58
    • v.57 (Jan-Jun, 1845)
    • "Homer, Dante and Michael Angelo", (Jan), p.1
    • "Aesthetics of Dress: A case of hats", p.51
    • "The Tree Guardsmen", p.59 (Dumas's Three Musketeers)
    • "Marston, Pt. 15", p.75
    • "Coleridge and Opium Eating", p.117
    • "North's Specimens of the British Critics" (Feb), p.133
    • "Poems and Ballads of Goethe, Pt. 3" (Feb), p.165
    • "Spain as it is", p.181
    • "The Overland Passage", p.204
    • "Mesmerism", p.219
    • "Aesthetics of Dress - about a Bonnet", p.242
    • "German-American Romances", p.251
    • "Suspiria de Profundis: being a sequel to the confessions of an English Opium-eater", (Mar) p.269
    • "Practical Agriculture: Stephens' Book of the Farm", p.298
    • "German-American Romances, Pt. II", p.331
    • "British History during the Eighteenth Century", p.353
    • "North's Specimens of the British Critics, No.2 - Dryden and Pope", p.369
    • "Virgil, Tasso and Raphael", (Apr) p.401
    • "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation", p.448
    • "Marston, p.16", p.461
    • "Betham's Erutria Celtica", p.474
    • "Suspiria de Profundis, Pt.2", p.489
    • "North's Specimens of the British Critics, No.3 - Dryden", p.503
    • "Sismondi" (May), p.529
    • "German-American Romances, Pt.3", p.561
    • "A Glance at the Peninsula", p.595
    • "Aesthetics of Dress, No.3", p.608
    • "North's Specimens of the British Critics, No.4 - Dryden on Chaucer", p.617
    • "Maynooth", p.647
    • "Pushkin, the Russian Poet, No.1", (Jun) p.657
    • "The Novel and the Drama", p.679
    • "Marston, Pt.17", p.688
    • "Aesthetics of Dress, No.4", p.731
    • "Suspira de Profundis, Pt.3", p.739
    • "Hanibal", p.752
    • "North's Specimens of the British Critics, No.5 - Dryden onn Chaucer concluded", p.794
    • v. 58 (Jul-Dec, 1845)
    • "Marlborough, No.1" (Jul), p.1
    • "Pushkin, the Russian Poet, No.2", p.28
    • "Suspiria de Profundis Part II", p.43
    • "The Torquato Tasso of Goethe", p.87
    • "North's Specimens of the British Critics, No.6 - Supplement to Dryden on Chaucer", p.114
    • "On Punishment", (Aug), p.129
    • "Pushkin the Russian Poet, concluded", p.140
    • "Marston, Pt. 18", p.157
    • "Letter from London, by a Railway Witness", p.173
    • "Priests, Women and Families", p.185
    • "North's Specimens of the British Critics, No.7 - MacFlencoe and the Dunciad", p.229
    • "Mahmood the Ghaznavide by B. Simmons" (Sep), p.266
    • "Marston, Pt.19", p.272
    • "Baron von Stein", p.328
    • "The Historical Romance", p.341
    • "North's Specimens of the British Critics, No.8 - Suppement to MacFlencoe and the Dunciad", p.366
    • "Montesquieu" (Oct) p.389
    • "Manner and Matter", p.431
    • "Marston, Concluded (Pt. 20)", p.439
    • "How we Got Up the Glenmutckin Railway, and how we got out of it", p.453
    • "The Science of Languages, Kavanagh", p.467
    • "Humboldt" (Nov), p.541
    • "Mozart", p.572
    • "The Days of the Fronde", p.596
    • "The Grand General Junction and Indefinite Extension - Railway Rhapsody", p.614
    • "The Railways", p.633
    • "Marlborough No.2" (Dec), p.649
    • "The Reign of George the Third", p.713
    • [W.E. Aytoun] "The Scottish Harvest", p.769
  • 1846: v.59, v.60
    • v.59 (Jan-Jun, 1846)
    • "Sir William Follett" (Jan), p.1
    • "A Campaign in Texas", p.37
    • "The Greek and Romantic Drama", p.54
    • "Aesthetics of Dress - Military Costume", p.114
    • "From Goethe", p.120
    • "Christmas Carol - Political poem", p.122
    • "The Crisis", p.124
    • "Servia and the Servian Question" (Feb), p.129
    • "Recollections of a Lover of Society", p.215 (1800 polit memoir)
    • "A Peep into the Whig Penny Post-Bag", p.247
    • "East and West", p.248
    • "Mr Brooke of Borneo", (Mar), p.356
    • [W.E. Aytoun] "Ministerial Measures" (Mar), p.373
    • "The Marquess Wellesley" (Apr), p.385
    • "How they manage matters in the "model republic", p.439
    • "Recollections of a Lover of Society, Pt. 2" p.463 (George Rose, 1802),
    • "The Crusades", p.475
    • "The Americans and the Aborigines, Pt. 1" (May), p.554
    • "The State of Ireland - its condition, the life and property bill, the debate and the famine", p.572
    • "The Literature of the Eighteenth Century" (Jun), p.645
    • "Reynard the Fox", p.665
    • "Americans and the Aborigines, Pt. 2", p.667
    • "Fall of Rome", p.692
    • "The People", p.733 (rev. of Michelet)
    • "Greek Fire and Gunpowder", p.749
    • v.60 (Jul-Dec 1846)
    • "Peru" (Jul), p.1
    • "Marlborough's Dispatches, 1708-09" (Jul), p.22
    • "Americans and the Aborigines, Pt. 3 (last)", p.45
    • "Last Recollections of Napoleon", p.110
    • "The Army" (Aug), p.129
    • "The Mine, the Forest and the Cordillera", p.179 (travelogue of Peru/Potosi)
    • "Mesmeric Mountebanks", p.223
    • "Cookery and Civilisation", p.238
    • "Mexico, its territory and people" (Sep), p.277
    • "Algeria", p.334
    • "The Late and the Present Ministry", p.349
    • "Wild Sports and Natural History of the Highlands" (Oct), p.389
    • "Hochelaga", p.464
    • "The Dance, fom Schiller", p.481
    • "Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning", p.488
    • "Marlborough's Dispatches, 1710-11" (Nov), p.517
    • "Mohan Lal in Afghanistan", p.539
    • "On the Operation of the English Poor Laws", p.555
    • "Honour to the Plough - poem", p.613
    • "Things in General" p.625
    • "Lord Metcalfe's Government of Jamaica", (Dec) p.662
    • "The Law and its Punishments", p.721
    • "The Game Laws", p.754
  • 1847: v.61, v.62
    • v.61 (Jan-Jun, 1847)
    • "The Court of Louis Philippe" (Jan), p.1
    • "Reflections suggested by the Career of the Late Premier", p.93
    • "Modern Italian History" (Feb), p.162
    • "The Reign of George the Second", p.194
    • "Direct Taxation", p.243
    • "On Pauperism and its Treatment" (Mar), p.261
    • "Java", p.318
    • "The Cave of the Regicides", p.333.
    • "Latest from the Peninsula", p.350
    • "Cromwell" (Apr), p.393
    • "Lord Sidmouth's Life and Time", p.473
    • "How they manage matters in the Model Republic", p.492
    • "Lessons from the Famine", p.515
    • "M. de Tocqueville" (May), p.525
    • "Four Sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning", p.555
    • "The Visible and the Tangible: a metaphysical fragment", p.580 (philosophy)
    • "Belisarius - was he blind?", p.606
    • "The Scotch Marriage Bill", p.616
    • "North America, Siberia and Russia" (Jun), p.653
    • "Four Sonnets by Elizabeth Barrett Browning", p.683
    • "Constantinople and the Declining State of the Ottoman Empire", p.685
    • "Prosper Merimee", p.711
    • "Pacific Rovings", p.754
    • "On the Nutritive Qualities of the Bread now in use", p.768
    • v.62 (Jul-Dec, 1847)
    • "Prescott's Peru" (Jul), p.1
    • "Life of Jean Paul Richter", p.33
    • "Letter from a Railway Witness in London", p.68
    • "Sir H. Nicholas's History of the Navy", p.82
    • "Sir Robert Peel and the Currency", p.113
    • "Grote's History of Greece" (Aug), p.129
    • "History of the Captivity of Napoleon at St. Helena", p.178
    • "Caesar, p.235
    • "Reid and the Philosophy of Common Sense", p.239
    • "The Crusade of the Children", (Sep) p.285
    • "James's Life of Henry IV", p.371
    • "Works of Hans Christian Andersen", (Oct) p.387
    • "The Times of George II", p.431
    • "The Navigation of the Antipodes", (Nov), p.515
    • "American Copyright", p.534
    • "The American Library", p.574
    • "Units: Ten, hundreds, thousands", p.593
    • "Highland Destitution", p.630
    • "Emerson", (Dec), p.643
    • "The Pyrenees", p.707
    • "Judaism in the Legislature", p.724
    • "Our Currency, Our Trade and Our Tariff", p.744
  • 1848: v.63, v.64
    • v.63 (Jan-Jun 1848)
    • "Thirty Years of Liberal Legislation", (Jan), p.1
    • "Flechier's Chronicle of Clermont Assizes", p.47
    • "Don John of Austria", p.70
    • "Switzerland and Italy", p.98
    • "The Periodical Literature of America", p.106
    • "Ireland and the Ministerial Measures", p.113
    • "Note: Blackwood and Copyright in America", p.127
    • "The Russian Empire" (Feb), p.129
    • "Edinburgh after Flodden", p.165
    • "Jerusalem", p.192
    • "Our West Indian Colonies", p.219
    • "Mr Cobden on the National Defences", (Mar) p.261
    • "Romanism in Rome", p.281
    • "Crimes and Remarkable Trials in Scotland", p.293
    • "Sir Sidney Smith", p.309
    • "Greenwich Time", p.354
    • "A Military Discussion touching our Coast Defences", p.362
    • "Hudson's Bay", p.369
    • "The Budget, p.383
    • "Fall of the Throne of the Barricades" (Apr), p.393
    • "The Conquest of Naples", p.436
    • "How we got Possession of the Tuilleries", p.484
    • "Education in Wales", (May), p.525
    • "Republican Paris (March, April 1848), p.573
    • "The Spaniard in Sicily", p.589
    • "Crimes and Remarkable Trials in Scotland - Kidnapping, Peter Williamson's case", p.607
    • "The Repealer's Wish Granted", p.627
    • "The Revolutions in Europe", p.638
    • "How to Disarm the Chartists", p.653
    • "Life in the 'Far West', Pt.1", p.713
    • "Lombardy and the Italian War", p.733
    • "Sentiments and Symbols of the French Republic", p.767
    • "American Feeling Towards England" p.780
    • v.64 (Jul-Dec, 1848)
    • "Laws of the Land". (Jul) p.1 (McCulloch treatise on succession of property)
    • "Life in the Far West, Pt.2", p.17
    • "American Thoughts on European Revolution", p.31
    • "Republican France - June 1848", p.51
    • "Colonisation", p.66
    • "Siberia", p.76
    • "Scottish Deer Forests, p.92
    • "Huzza for the Rule of the Whigs", p.112
    • "The Navigation Laws", p.114
    • "Life in the Far West, Pt.3" (Aug), p.129
    • "Kaffirland", p.158
    • "Modern Tourism", p.185
    • "Eighteen Hundred and Twelve", p.190
    • "Laurels and Laureates", p.220
    • "Sketches in Paris", p.248
    • "Review of the Last Session" (Sep), p.261
    • "Sonnet to Denmark", p.292
    • "Life in the Far West, Pt.4", p.293
    • "Life and Times of George II", p.345
    • "The Moscow Retreat", p.359
    • "What would Revolutionising Germany be at?", p.373
    • "Political Economy by J.S. Mill" (Oct), p.407
    • "Life in the Far West, Pt.5", p.429
    • "Continental Revolutions - Irish Rebellion - English Distress", p.475
    • "Byron's Address to the Ocean", p.499
    • "A Glimpse at Germany and Its Parliament" (Nov), p.515
    • "Satires and Caricatures of the Eighteenth Century", p.543
    • "A Parcel from Paris", p.557
    • "Life in the Far West, Pt.6 (Last)", p.573
    • "The Naval War of the French Revolution", p.595
    • "The Memoirs of Lord Castlereagh", p.610
    • "A Call" poem by Julia Day on famine & emigration, p.625
    • "What is Spain About?, p.627
    • "Conservative Union" p.632
    • "Mrs Hemans" (Dec), p.641
    • "On the Miseries of Ireland, and their Remedies", p.658
    • "Republican First-fruits", p.687
    • "Prophecies for the Present", p.703
  • 1849: v.65, v.66
    • v.65 (Jan-Jun 1849)
    • "The Year of Revolutions" (Jan), p.1
    • "French Conquerors and Colonists", p.20
    • "The White Nile", p.47
    • "Caucasus and Cossacks" (Feb), p.129
    • "Statistical Accounts of Scotland", p.162
    • "American Thoughts on European Revolutions, 2", p.190
    • "Dalmatia and Montenegro" p.202
    • "English Universities and their Reforms", p.235
    • "The Carlists in Catalonia", p.248
    • "Scientific and Practical Agriculture", (Mar) p.255
    • "After a Year's Republicanism", p.275
    • "M. Proudhon - Contradictions Economique", p.304
    • "Merimee's History of Peter the Cruel", p.337
    • "The Opening of the Session", p.357
    • "Macaulay's History of England" (Apr), p.383
    • "Tennyson's Poems", p.453
    • "Aristocratic Annals", p.468
    • "Life of the Sea and London Cries by B. Simmons", p.482
    • "Colonisation - Mr Wakefields theory" (May), p.509
    • "The Reaction, or Foreign Conservatism", p.529
    • "National Education in Scotland", p.567
    • "Legitimcy in France", p.590
    • "Austria and Hungary", p.614
    • "The Romance of Russian History", (Jun) p.664
    • "Letters to the Rev. Charles Fustian, an Anglo-Catholic", p.679
    • "Austria and Hungary", p.697
    • "Feudalism in the Nineteenth Century", p.713
    • "Civil Revolution in the Canadas", p.742
    • v.66 (Jul-Dec 1849)
    • a
  • 1850: v.67, v.68
    • v.67 (Jan-Jun, 1850)
    • a
    • v.68 (Jul-Dec, 1850)
    • a
  • 1851: v.69, v.70
    • v.69 (Jan-Jun, 1851)
    • a
    • v.70 (Jul-Dec, 1851)
    • a
  • 1852: v.71, v.72
    • v.71 (Jan-Jun, 1852)
    • a
    • v.72 (Jul-Dec, 1852)
    • a
  • 1853: v.73, v.74
    • v.73 (Jan-Jun, 1853)
    • a
    • v.74 (Jul-Dec, 1853)
    • a
  • 1854: v.75, v.76
    • v.75 (Jan-Jun, 1854)
    • a
    • v.76 (Jul-Dec, 1854)
    • a
  • 1855: v.77, v.78
    • v.77 (Jan-Jun, 1855)
    • a
    • v.78 (Jul-Dec, 1855)
    • a
  • 1856: v.79, v.80
    • v.79 (Jan-Jun, 1856)
    • a
    • v.80 (Jul-Dec, 1856)
    • a




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Resources on Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine

  • Sir Walter Scott, Tales of my Landlord, 1817, v.1, v.2, v.3, v.4
  • James Hogg's The Spy, a periodical paper of literary amusement and instruction, 1810-11 [bk]
  • "History of Blackwood's Magazine" by Dr. Sheldon Mackenzie, in John Wilson, Noctes Ambrosianiae, v.1, p.vii
  • Odoherty Papers by William Maginn, 1855,  (ed. S. McKenzie), v.1, v.2
  • Alan L. Strout (1959) Authorship of Articles in the Edinburgh Magazine, 1817-1825
  • F.W. Fetter (1960) "The Economic Articles in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, and their authors, 1817-1853" Scottish JPE,  v.7, Pt. 1 (Jun), p.85-107;  Pt. II (Nov), p.213-231
  • F.W. Fetter (1965) "Economic Controversy in the British Reviews, 1802-1850", Economica, v.32, p.424-37
  • Penn page on Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine [penn]



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