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Samuel von Pufendorf, 1632-1694

Portrait of S. Pufendorf

German natural law philosopher from Saxony

Samuel von Pufendorf's main work (De jure naturae et gentium, 1672) was  followed up by his abridgement (De officio hominis 1673).  Pufendorf argued that civil society was established largely on contract between individual wills, but that sovereignty rests in a benevolent ruler.  He gave philosophical rationale for State paternalism which was then taken up by German Cameralists.   Pufendorf also made the careful distinction between "usefulness", a quality intrinsic in a good, and "utility", a property of the relationship between the good and its consumer.  Justified existence of private property contra Grotius.



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Major Works of Samuel von Pufendorf

  • Elementorum iurisprudentiae universalis libri duo, 1660 [bk] [1669 ed, 1672 ed]  [English trans. Two Books on the Elements of Universal Jurisprudence] [Lib]
  • [pseud. "Severinus de Monzambano Veronensis"] De Statu Imperii Germanici ad Laelium fratrem, dominum Trezolani, liber unus, 1667 [bk] [1668 ed] [English 1696 trans. The Present State of Germany. Lib] [French 1669 trans]
  • De jure naturae et gentium, libri octo,. 1672 [bk]  [1684 2nd ed; 1698 last ed; 1716 ed], [English trans. Of the Law of Nature of Nations, 1710 2nd ed, 1729 4th ed] [French trans., taieb]
  • De officio hominis et civis prout ipsi praescribuntur lege naturali, 1673  [English trans.The Whole  Duty of Man and Citizen According to the Natural Law,  1691 1st trans.1698 2nd trans, 1716 ed], [Lib, con]
  • Apologia pro se et suo libro, adversus autorem libelli famosi, cui titulus: Index quarundam novitatum, quas Dn. S. Pufendorf libro suo De Jure Naturae et Gentium contra orthodoxa fundamenta, 1674 [bk]
  • ["Basilii Hyperetae"] Historisch- und politische Beschreibung der geistlichen Monarchie des Stuhls zu Rom, 1679 [Latin trans. Tractatus historicus de monarchia pontificis Romani, 1688 ed]
  • Einleitung zu der Historie der vornehmsten Reiche und Staaten, so itziger Zeit in Europa sich befinden, 1683 [bk]  [Latin trans. Introductio ad Historiam praecipuorum Regnorum et Statuum modernorum in Europa, 1687 ed], [English trans., An Introduction to the History of the principal Kings and States of Europe, 1719 ed; Lib]
  • Dissertatio Epistolica Super Controversiis, quae Samueli Pufendorfio cum quibusdam aliis circa Jus Naturale intercesserunt, 1684
  • Eris Scandica, qua adversus libros de Iure Naturae et Gentium objecta diluuntur, 1686
  • Commentariorum De Rebus Suecicis ab Expeditione Gustavi Adolphi in Germaniam ad Abdicationem usque Christinae, 1686 [bk] [1705 ed]
  • De habitu religionis christianae ad vitam civilem, 1687 [bk] [English trans. Of the Nature and Qualification of Religion, in reference to civil society, 1698 bk] [Lib]  
  • ["Immanuel Weber"] Einleitung zur Sitten- und Stats-Lehre, oder kurtze Vorstellung der schuldigen Gebühr aller Menschen, und insonderheit der bürgerlichen Stats-Verwandten, nach Anleitung derer natürlichen Rechte, 1691
  • De Rebus Gestis Friderici Wilhelmi Magni Electoris Brandenburgici Commentariorum Libri Novendecim, 1695.[bk]
  • Jus Feciale Divinum, sive de conssensu et dissensu protestantium exercitatio posthuma, 1695 [bk] [English trans. The Divine Feudal Law, or covenants with mankind represented, or alternate title Law of Diplomacy, or Agreement and Disagreement of Protestants] [Lib]




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