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Friedrich von Wieser, 1851-1926.

Photo of F.v.Wieser

Friedrich von Wiser was a prominent and leading member of the first generation of Carl Menger's Austrian School - together with Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, his close friend, colleague and, brother-in-law.

Friedrich von Wieser was born in Vienna in 1851 to a notable family of Austrian government officials.  His father Leopold von Wieser had been a privy councilor to the Hapsburg emperor Franz Josef since 1858, and ennobled as a hereditary baron in 1889 ("Freiherr von Wieser") . Friedrich von Wieser enrolled at the University of Vienna in 1868 to study law, obtaining his degree in 1872.  An early attraction to history and sociology (from reading Spencer) had given way in the course of his studies to an interest in economics.  Although his original economics teachers (notably Lorenz von Stein) left him cold, Wieser was converted and spellbound after the appearance of Carl Menger's  Grundsätze in 1871.  In 1875, Wieser obtained an academic scholarship for a tour of study at Heidelberg, Jena and Leipzig, where Wieser (together with fellow student Böhm-Bawerk)  were exposed to the to the German Historical School - attending lectures by Knies at Heidelberg, Roscher at Leipzig and Hildebrand at Jena.  Nonetheless, both Wieser and Böhm-Bawerk remained steadfastly by Menger's marginalism.

After a brief period in the Austrian civil service, Wieser returned to academia in 1883, submitting his habilitation and becoming privatdozent at the University of Vienna.  The very next year (1884), he became extraordinary professor at the University of Prague.  Wieser obtained the full professorial chair in economics at Prague in 1889, coming out with his main work, Natural Value, that same year.  Wieser became rector at Prague in 1901. 

In 1903, Friedrich von Wieser returned to succeed Carl Menger in the professorial chair at the University of Vienna.  Wieser and Bohm-Bawerk groomed the next generation of Austrians (which included L.von Mises, F.A. Hayek and J.A. Schumpeter) at Vienna in the early 1900s.  Although famous for his detached Olympian demeanor throughout his life, Wieser eventually entered the Austrian political arena in 1917, being a member of the upper house of the Austrian parliament, and briefly serving as minister of trade in the last Austro-Hungarian imperial government.  Returning to academia after the war, Wieser retired in 1923, securing the appointment of Hans Mayer as the successor to his academic chair in Vienna.

Wieser's two main contributions are the theory of "imputation", establishing that factor prices are determine by output prices (rather than the other way around, as the Classicals had it) and the theory of "alternative cost" or "opportunity cost" as the foundation of value theory -- fundamental "subjectivist" pillars in Neoclassical theory which were being effectively ignored by Marshall and the "real cost" British theorists. In developing these ideas, Wieser can be credited with turning Neoclassical economics firmly towards the study of scarcity and resource allocation - a fixed quantity of resources and unlimited wants - all based on the principle of marginal utility. Menger had initially set this up, but never really extended it to production and factors properly. Wieser's imputation theory allowed that single principle to be applied everywhere. Wieser's theory of alternative cost and Marshall's "real cost" theory came into confrontation quickly - Wicksteed and Edgeworth duelled on a version of this, as later did Robbins, Knight and Viner - but today they can be said to be reconciled (for the most part). This was largely achieved by the insights provided by modern linear programming and general equilibrium theory.

Wieser is renowned for two main works, Natural Value (1889), which carefully details the alternative cost doctrine and the theory of imputation, and his Social Economics (1914), an ambitious attempt at a comprehensive restatement of Austrian theory as a whole, and its application to the real world.



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Major Works of Friedrich von Wieser

  • Über den Ursprung und die Hauptgesetze des Wirthschaftlichen Werthes, 1884. [bk, av]
  • "Über die Valuta-Regulierung in Österreich", 1891, Juristische Vierteljahresschrift. p.45
  • Der natürliche Werth, 1889. [bk, av] [English 1893 trans. (W. Smart ed.). Natural Value] [bk, av] [McM; Lib, prax]
  • "The Austrian School and the Theory of Value", 1891, EJ  [McM; mis]
  • "The Theory of Value (A Reply to Professor Macvane)", 1892, AAPSS (Mar), p.24 [js, av] [McM]
  • "Großbetrieb und Produktivgenossenschaft", 1892, ZfVSV, p.102
  • "Gut", 1892, in J. Conrad et al, editors, Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, vol. 4, p.225
  •  "Die Besteuerung ausländischer Gläubiger in Oesterreich", 1893, ZfVSV, p.563
  • "Resumption of Specie Payments in Austria-Hungary",  1893, JPE, p.380 [av]
  • Die Währungsfrage und die Zukunft der österreichischen Valutareform, 1894 [bk, av]
  • "Gebührengesetz", 1895, Oesterreichisches Staatswörterbuch, v.1, p.586
  • "Die Reform unserer directen Steuern." 1897, Juristische Vierteljahresschrift, p.129
  • "Grenznutzen", 1900, in J. Conrad et al, editors, Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 2nd ed, vol. 4, p.775
  • Die Ergebnisse und die Aussichten der Personaleinkommensteuer in Österreich, 1901 [bk]
  • "Nationale Einkommensverhältnisse in Böhmen", 1901, in Deutsche Arbeit: Monatsschrift für das geistige Leben der Deutschen in Böhmen, v.1, p.5
  • Address to the Gesellschaft zur förderung deutscher Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur in Böhmen, 1901 (1901 note in DA; 1902 note in DA)
  • "Ueber die gesellschaftlichen Gewalten", rectoral address (Rektoratsrede) at University of Prague, Nov 6, 1901, reprinted in Deustche Arbeit, v.1 (Jan 1902), p.261
  • "Probleme der directen Besteuerung in Österreich", 1902, Volkswirtschaftliche Wochenschrift [Reprinted under "Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft österreicher Volkswirte", 1902, ZfVSV, v.11, p.560]
  • "Die deutsche Steuerleistung und der öffentliche Haushalt in Böhmen", 1903, Deutsche Arbeit, v.3, Pt. 1 (Oct, p.1), Pt.2 (Nov, p.117), Pt.3 (Dec, p.205)
  • Gutachten in der Enquete über die Reform der österreichischen Gebäudesteuer, 1903  [Stenographisches protokoll der enquête: Wieser's testimony of Nov 30 and Dec 3, 1903]
  • Die deutsche Steuerleistung und der öffentliche Haushalt in Böhmen. 1904 [bk]
  • "Der Geldwert und seine geschichtlichen Veränderungen: Antritts-vorlesung, gehalten am 26 Oktober 1903 an der Wiener Universität" (inaugural address at Vienna), 1904, ZfVSV, v.13, p.44
  • "Über Vergangenheit und Zukunft der österreichischen Verfassung", 1904-05, Oesterreichische Rundschau, v.1, Pt.1 (p.65), Pt. 2 (p.173), Pt. 3.1 (p.285), Pt. 3.2 (p.397), Pt. 4.1 (p.503), Pt. 4.2 (p.603)
  • Über Vergangenheit und Zukunft der österreichischen Verfassung, 1905 [bk]
  • "Unsere gesellschaftliche und politische Entwicklung seit 1849", 1907, in Neue Freie Presse, February 8, 9, 12 and 13.
  • "Arma virumque cano", 1907, Festgabe zum 100 jährigen Jubiläum des Schottengymnasiums, p.322
  • "Die Besteuerung der Stadt und des Kapitals in Österreich", 1907, ZfVSV, v.16, p.185
  • Gutachten in der Enquete über die Landesfinanzen, 1908 [Stenographisches Protokoll, Mar 7-12, 1908, Note (p.244), Opinion (p.267)]
  • Die Theorie der städtischen Grundrente, 1909 [hth] [English 1960 trans. "The Theory of Urban Ground Rent" in Louise Sommer, editor, Essays in European Economic Thought, p.39, mis]
  •  "Ueber die Messung der Veränderungen des Geldwertes", 1909 Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik, v.132
  • "Carl Menger zum siebzigsten Geburtstag", 1910, Neue Freie Presse (Feb 24)
  • Recht und Macht, 1910 [av]
  • "Review of Schumpeter's Das Wesen und der Hauptinhalt der theoretischen Nationalökonomie", 1911, SchmJfGVV, v.35, p.909
  • "Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Wirtschaft", 1914, Grundriss der Sozialökonomik, 1. Abt., Pt. A.3, p.125-444.
  • "Nachruf auf Robert Mayer", 1914, Die feierliche Inauguration des Rektors der Wiener Universität  für das Studienjahr 1914-15
  • "Österreich und der Krieg", 1915, Zur Zeit und Weltlage [at] [also repr. in Österreichische Rundshau]
  • "1815-1866-1879-1915", 1915, Das Neue Deutschland: Wochenschrift für konservativen Fortschritt.
  • "Die Lehren des Krieges", 1915, Flugschriften für Österreich-Ungarns Erwachen [at]
  • "Mannszucht und Staatszucht", 1915, Streffleurs Militärblatt
  • "Ein österreichischer Wehrbund", 1916, Streffleurs Militärblatt
  • "Das neue Österreich", 1916,  Österreichische Rundschau, v.48
  • Österreichs Ende, 1919 [av]
  • "Der Kampf gegen den Hunger in Österreich", 1919,  Österreichische Rundschau, v.41
  • "Die Schuld am Frieden", 1919, Neue Freie Presse (Nov 23-24)
  • "Das Werk der Kunst", 1920, Denkschrift zu den Meisteraufführungen Wiener Musik
  • "The fight against the famine in Austria", 1920, in Lord Parmoor et al, The Famine in Europe, p.49 [av]
  • "Die Revolution der Gegenwart", 1920. Deutsche Rundschau, (Mar)
  • "Die französische Revolution", 1920. Deutsche Rundschau, (Apr)
  • "Rundschreiben an die österreichischen Mitarbeiter", 1921, Carnegie Stiftung, ed., Die Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte des Weltkrieges
  • "Gleitwort (Preface)", 1921, 4th ed. of Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk's Kapital und Kapitalzins, p.i-xxvi.
  • "Nachruf auf Carl Menger", 1921,  Die feierliche Inauguration des Rektors der Wiener Universität für das Studienjahr 1921/22.
  • "Nachruf auf Carl Menger", 1922, Almanach der Wiener Akademie für Wissenschaften
  • "Karl Menger", 1923, in A. Bettelheim, editor, Neue österreichische Biographie, 1815-1918, v.1 []
  • "Machtpsychologie", 1923, ZfVS.
  • "Das geschichtliche Werk der Gewalt", 1923, Österreichische Rundschau.
  • Theorie der gesellschaftlichen Wirtschaft, 1924 [2nd ed of 1914], [English 1927 A.F. Hinrichs trans. Social Economics]. [mis]
  • "Grundformen der gesellschaftlichen Verfassung: Führer und Masse", 1924, Archiv f. Rechtsphilosophie.
  • "Die modernen Diktaturen", 1925, Archiv f. Rechtsphilosophie.
  • "The Austrian School of Economics", "Eugen von  Böhm-Bawerk", "Carl Freiherr von Hock", "Anton Menger" and "Carl Menger", 1925, in 1925 edition of R.H. Inglis Palgrave, editor, Dictionary of Political Economy
  • "Masse" (1925), and "Führung" (1926) and "Geld" (1927)  in J. Conrad et al, editors, Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 4th ed, v.6
  • Das Gesetz der Macht, 1926. [av] [English 1983 trans. Law of Power].
  • Gesammelte adhanlungen, 1929.




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Resources on Friedrich von Wieser

  • Another Portrait of F. Wieser
  • "Review of Wieser's Über den Ursprung" by Heinrich G.A. Dietzel, 1885, JNS, v.45, p.161
  • "Review of F. Wieser's Naturliche Werth" by Franklin H. Giddings, 1889, PSQ (Dec), p.681 [js]
  • "Review of Wieser's Naturliche Werth", by F.H. Giddings, 1889, PSQ [js]
  • Notice of Wieser's appointment at Prague in AAPSS, 1890 (Oct), p.297
  • "The Austrian Theory of Value (reply to Wieser)" by Silas MacVane, 1893, AAPSS (Nov), p.12 [js]
  • "Review of Smart's translation of Wieser's Natural Value", by  Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, 1894, ZfVSV, p.327
  • "Review of Wieser's Natural Value" by Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, 1894, EJ [pdf]
  • "Wieser's Natural Value", by D.I. Green, 1895, AAPSS, (Jan),  p.52 [js]
  • "Review of Wieser's Natural Value" by A.C. Miller, 1894, JPE
  • "Review of Wieser's Die Ergebnisse und die Aussichten der Personaleinkommensteuer in Osterreich" by C. C. Plehn, 1902, JPE
  • "Wieser's Theory of Social Economics" by Wesley C. Mitchell, 1917, PSQ, p.95 [js]
  • "Friedrich von Wieser", by Joseph Schumpeter, 1927, EJ
  • "Friedrich Von Wieser, 1851-1926" by Oskar Morgenstern, 1927, AER
  • Der finanzielle Aufbau der englischen Industrie, by Carl Wolfgang Freiherr von Wieser, 1919 [hth] (sometimes misattributed to Friedrich von Wieser).
  • "Power and Utility: The normative economics of Friedrich von Wieser" by R.B. Ekelund, 1970, ROSE
  • "Friedrich von Wieser un die moderne Österrichische Schule der Nationalökonomie" by H.H. Hoppe and J.T. Salerno, 1999 [pdf]
  • "Austrian Capital and Interest Theory: Wieser's Contribution and the Menger Tradition" by E.M. Enders, 1991, Rev Austrian Econ [mis]
  • "Rehabilitating Friedrich von Wieser as an Austrian Economist" by Roland Fritz at Austrian Economics Newsletter [online]
  • Wieser bibliography at
  • Wieser Page at McMaster
  • Wieser page at Online Library of Liberty (LibertyFund)
  • Wieser page at Mises Institute
  • Wieser entry at IESS (
  • Wieser entry at Britannica
  • Wieser enry at Wikiliberal
  • Wikipedia


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