The General Theory by John Maynard Keynes (1936)


A - K

(Go to Index L - Z)


L M N O P Q R S T U VW, X Y, Z


Abstinence, see  Saving 

Accumulation in a wealthy community,  219-20 , see also  Capital accumulation 

'Administered prices',  268 ,  270 

Aggregate Investment, Saving, Supply function, Demand function, see  Investment ,  Saving ,
     Supply function ,  Demand function 

Agriculture and the trade cycle,  314 ,  329-32 

Armstrong, Clement,  347 

Australia, wage policy in,  269-70 

Austrian school,  76 ,  329 

Authoritarian States,  380 ,  381 

Available resources and actual employment,  4 



Balance of trade and changes in money-wages,  262-3 

and Mercantilism,  333 ,  335-9 ,  348 

and future policy,  382 

Bank charges,  196 

Bank deposits,  81 ,  167 n ,  194-5 

Bank money, in nineteenth century,  308 

and Gesell's proposals,  357-8 

Bank rate, 'effectiveness' of;  206 

the technique,  339 

Banking system¾

and creation of credit,  81-5 

and rate of interest,  208 

and future of investment,  378 

its conditions of lending,  200 

a suggested reform in,  205-6 

and wage policy,  267 

See also  Money, quantity of ; and  Monetary policy 

Barbon, N.,  359 

Basic supplementary cost, see  Supplementary cost 

Bavaria, Soviet cabinet in, and Gesell,  354 

'Bearishness, state of', in Treatise on Money,  173-4 

'Bears' and rate of interest,  170-1 

Bentham, J., on 'forced saving',  80 ;

on usury,  352-3 

Böhm-Bawerk, E. von,  176 n ,  183 n ,  214 n 

Bonar Law, A.,  350 

Bond prices,  199-200 ,  206 

Booth, Charles,  365 

'Bottle-necks',  300-1 ,  322 

Brokerage charges,  160 

Büchi, Dr,  354 

Budgetary deficit,  98 ,  128-30 

Buenos Aires, Gesell's activities in,  354 

Building societies,  101 

Bull, John, old nineteenth-century saying about,  309 n 

'Bull-bear position' in the Treatise on Money,  169 n 

'Bulls', and the rate of interest,  170-1 

Business-deposits,  195 

Business-motive to liquidity,  195-6 , see  Liquidity 

Butler, H. B.,  349 n 



Cairncross, A. K.,  364 


and Austrian school,  76 ,  329 

cost of production of;  315 ,  317 

demand curve for, in classical theory,  175-85 

diminishing returns from,  42 ,  81 ,  114 ,  289 ,  305-6 

durability of; and the trade cycle,  318 

'productivity' of;  213-17 

scarcity of;  221 ,  375-6 

stock of¾assumed given,  245 ;

its measure,  37 ,  43 ;

and income,  52-4 ,  56 ;

and investment,  62-3 ;

and user cost,  66 ;

and depreciation,  99-106 ;

and expected yield,  147 ;

and rate of interest,  217-20 ;

and trade cycle,  315 ,  317-18 

supply price of;  135 ,  248 ,  252 

unforeseen increase in output of;  122-5 

Capital, marginal efficiency of¾

defined,  135-6 

introduced,  28 ,  31 

discussed,  135-64 

an independent variable,  245-9 

and commodity standards,  224-5 

in crises,  207 

and price of equities,  151  and n,

and rate of interest,  111-12 ,  136-7 ,  142-6 ,  165 ,  218-20 

and money- and own-rates of interest,  222-3 ,  228 

and interest policy,  375 

and liquidity-preference,  170 

and money,  173-4 ,  224-5 ,  234 ,  298 

and public works,  120 

and stability,  250-1 ,  253 

and the State,  164 ,  220 

and the trade cycle,  313-20 ,  323-4 

and wages,  232-3 ,  260-5 ,  269-70 

in nineteenth century,  307-8 

to-day,  308-9 

in future,  220-1 ,  375 

in economic doctrine,  139-41 

and Fisher's theory,  140-2 

and Gesell's theory,  355-6 

Marshall on,  139-40 

in von Mises, Hayek and Robbins,  192-3 

Pigou and,  190 ,  274 ,  278 

and Ricardo's theory,  192 

and usury laws,  351-2 

Capital, schedule of marginal efficiency of¾

defined,  136 

its significance,  145-6 ,  184 

and investment,  165 ,  375 

and classical theory,  178 

See  Investment demand schedule 

Capital accumulation¾

and propensity to consume,  112 ,  349 

and liquidity premium on land,  241-2 

in wealthy community,  31 ,  219-20 ,  335 ,  348 

its future,  372-3 ,  375 

and Gesell's theory,  355 

Hobson on,  367-8 

Marshall on,  242 

and Mercantilist thought,  344 

'Capital consumption',  76 ,  329 

Capital, fixed¾

and investment,  75 

and the trade cycle,  319 

and user cost,  73 

Capital formation, gross and net, in United States, Kuznets on,  102-4 

Capital, instrumental, characteristics of,  226 

Capital, liquid, and expectation,  50 

and user cost,  73 

Hawtrey on,  75-6 

Capital profits, taxes on,  94-5 

Capital, working¾

and expectation,  49-50 

and investrnent,  75 

and reduction of wages,  262 

and prime cost,  273 n 

and the trade cycle,  318-19 

Capitalism, future trends in,  221 ,  309 ,  372-83 

Carrying-cost, defined,  225 

discussed,  225-8 ,  240 

and land,  241 

and money,  233-4 ,  237-9 

and surplus stocks,  317-18 

Gesell on,  355-7 

Carver, T. N., on interest,  176  and n

Gary, J.,  359 

Cash, see  Money 

Cassel, G., on interest,  176 ,  182 ,  188 

Pigou on,  188 

Central bank,  206 ,  235 , see also  Banking system ,  Monetary policy 

Chalmers,  369 

Child, J.,  342 

Clark, C. G.,

on investment in Great Britain,  102

Classical economists,  n 

Classical theory, its limitations,  378 

postulates of;  4-22 ,  34 ,  304 

and marginal efficiency of capital,  139-41 

and effective demand,  32-4 

and employment,  3 ,  112 ,  284 

and interest and investment,  93 ,  165-6 ,  175-93 ,  351 ,  356 

and Mercantilism,  333-5 ,  339 ,  348-9 

and reduction of money-wages,  257-60 

Hobson on,  366 

'Closed shop',  56 

Closed system,  11 ,  265 

wage policy in,  270 

Commodity exchanges,  160 n .

Commodity-rates of interest, see  Interest, own rates of 


imperfect,  5 ,  

the degree of,  245 

the Mercantilists on excessive,  345-6 

and classical theory,  29 ,  379 


the State of;  148-9 ,  161 ,  248 

and public works,  120 

and reduction of money-wages,  264 

in the nineteenth century,  307 

and the trade cycle,  317 

and Hobson's theory,  367 

Consume, propensity to¾

defined,  90 

the objective factors,  89-106 

the subjective factors,  107-12 

its place in the General Theory,  27-31 ,  245 ,  247 ,  249 

and propensity to save,  65 

and windfall changes in capital values,  92 

and accumulation,  335 ,  337 ,  373 ,  375 

and employment,  211 

and employment in wealthy community,  31 ,  219 

and employment function,  281 

and income tax,  94 ,  373 

and rate of interest,  93 ,  178 ,  184 

and the trade cycle,  313-14 ,  319-21 ,  324-9 

and money-wages,  239 ,  260 ,  262-3 

in nineteenth century,  307 

and future policy,  373 ,  375 

and classical theory of interest,  178 ,  184 

and Pigou,  279 

and Hobson,  370 

Consume, marginal propensity to¾

defined,  115 

discussed,  113-31 

and the multiplier,  115 

and stability,  248 ,  250-2 

and reduction of money-wages,  261-2 

in wealthy community,  31 ,  349 


defined,  61 

in the General Theory,  27 ,  248 ,  250-2 

and nature of capital,  214-17 

and propensity to consume,  89-90 ,  92 ,  96 ,  98 

and 'sound finance',  104-6 

and rate of interest,  166 

and New Deal,  332 

and saving and investment,  61-5 ,  74 ,  82 

and nature of saving,  21 ,  64-5 ,  210-13 

and the trade cycle,  327 ,  330 ,  332 

and changes in money-wages,  261-3 

and Robertson's definition of income,  78 

Hobson on,  367-9 

Consumption-capital,  226 


Pigou on,  273 

their period of production,  287 

Consumption, under-, see  Under-consumption 

Convention and Stock Exchange valuations,  152-3 

and the rate of interest,  203-4 


carrying, see  Carrying cost 

factor, see  Factor cost 

long period,  68-9 

marginal,  294-6 ,  302-3 

prime, see  Prime cost 

supplementary, see  Supplementary cost 

basic supplementary, see  Supplementary cost 

current supplementary, see  Supplementary cost 

user, see  User cost 

wage, see  Wage cost 

Cost of bringing lender and borrower together,  208 ,  219 ,  309 

Cost-unit, defined,  302 ,  303 ,  309 ,  328 

Costs, level of domestic, and foreign investment,  336-8 

Credit, see  Money, quantity of 

the state of,  158 

Crises, and the trade cycle,  314-20 

financial, in Europe and the United States,  207 ,  329 

Curtius,  353 n 

Cycles, Trade, see  Trade cycles ,  Fluctuations 

Cyclical movements and a zero rate of interest,  218 



Davenant, C.,  345 

Death duties,  95 ,  372-3 

Debts and money, the distinction between,  167 n 

burden of; and changes in money-wages,  264 ,  268 ,  271 

Child on,  342 

Deficit, budgetary,  98 ,  128-30 

Deflation, apparent asymmetry between inflation and,  291 

and reduction of stocks,  331-2 


Demand curve, see  Demand schedule 

Demand, aggregate,  104 ,  123 ,  258 ,  279 

Demand, effective

defined,  25 ,  55 

the principle of,  23-34 

and demand schedules,  259 

elasticity of,  305 

and employment,  260-1 

and employment function,  280-91 

and entrepreneurs,  380-1 

and expectation,  147 

and financial prudence,  100 

and income,  55 

in long run,  307 

and prices,  209 ,  295-305 

and processes of production,  215 

and individual saving,  211-13 

and stability,  251-2 

and user cost,  69 n 

in wealthy communities,  31 ,  220 

in classical economics,  25-6 ,  32-4 

and Gesell,  358 

and Hawtrey's theory,  76 

Malthus on,  32 ,  362-4 

and Mercantilist thought,  358 

and Treatise on Money,  78-9 

Demand function, the aggregate¾

defined,  25 ;  32 ,  40 ,  55 ,  77 ,  89 

Demand function for labour, the real, see  Labour, Pigou's real demand function for 

Demand schedule for employment in classical theory,  6 

for investment, see  Investment demand schedule 

Demand schedules, the nature and assumptions of;  258-60 ,  281 

Deposit, bank, see  Bank deposits 

Deposit interest,  196 


and user cost,  69 

on houses,  99-102 

in the United States,  102-3 

Diminishing returns¾

in short period,  81 ,  83 ,  91-2 ,  114 ,  121-2 ,  289 ,  302 ,  305-6 ,  328 

and choice of wage-unit,  42 ,  299-300 

Discount, rate of,  135 ,  225 

Disinvestment,  67 ,  75 ,  105 ,  318 ,  329 

and user cost,  67 

Dis-saving,  82 , see also  Saving, negative 

Disutility of labour, of employment, marginal, see  Labour, marginal disutility of 

Dividend, National, and choice of units,  379 

Pigou on,  n ,  59 

See also  Income 

Division of labour, international,  333 ,  338 ,  381 

Douglas, C. H.,  32 ,  370-1 



Economics, the divisions of,  292-4 

Classical, see  Classical theory 

Edgeworth, F. Y.,  3 n ,  19 ,  32 ,  186 ,

Effective demand, see  Demand, effective 

Efficiency, marginal, of capital, see  Capital, marginal efficiency of 

Efficiency and length of processes,  214-17 

Egypt, Ancient, wealth of,  131 

Elasticity of effective demand, see  Demand, effective 

of employment, see  Employment 

of money-wages, see  Wages, money 

of output, see  Output, elasticity of 

of production, see  Production 

of production of money, see  Money 

of substitution, see  Substitution 

of substitution of money, see  Money 


theory of; summarised,  27-32 ,  247-9 ;

restated,  245-54 

a dependent variable,  245-7 

marginal disutility of, see  Labour, marginal disutility of 

its units,  41 

and aggregate demand and supply functions,  48 ,  89 

and employment function,  89 ,  281 ,  286 

and Free Trade,  336 ,  382 

and rate of interest,  217-20 ,  222 ,  242-3 ,  349 

and investment,  98 

and quantity of money,  171 

and the multiplier,  113-14 ,  122 

and prices,  295-6 ,  298 

and saving and investment,  77-8 

and individual saving,  211 

its stability,  250-4 

and the trade cycle,  97 ,  315-16 ,  318 ,  320 ,  325 ,  327-8 

and money-wages,  257-71 

and rigid real wage,  269-70 

in poor and wealthy communities,  31 ,  219-20 

in nineteenth century,  307-8 

the problem to-day,  308-9 

in classical theory,  3-7 ,  185 ,  257-60 

Pigou on,  7 ,  260 ,  272-9 

Employment, elasticity of,  243 ,  284 ,  286-8 

for industry as a whole, defined,  282 

for a single industry,  282 

Employment, full¾

defined,  16 ,  303 

its rarity,  250-2 

and future policy,  372-3 ,  375 ,  377-9 ,  381-2 

assumed in classical theory,  12 ,  191 

and equilibrium,  253 ,  289-91 

and the rate of interest,  112 ,  203-4 ,  327 

and own-rates of interest,  236 

and the quantity theory of money,  209 

in the absence of money,  235 

and 'forced saving',  80 

and 'over-investment',  320-3 

and under-consumption,  325-6 

and an apparent asymmetry,  304 

and Hobson's theory,  367 

and wages,  266 ,  271 ,  301-2 

Employment function,  89-90 ,  246 ,  280-91 

defined,  280 

See also  Employment, elasticity of 

Employment multiplier, defined,  115 ,  248 ,  273 

Employment, primary, defined,  113 ,  115-16 ,  118 ,  277 

Employment, secondary,  277 

Employment, under-,  289 ,  324 ,  365 ,  381 .

See also  Unemployment 


distinguished from speculation,  158-9 

future of,  225 ,  374 

psychology of,  150-1 ,  161-3 


income of, see  Income 

and elasticity of employment,  257-8 

and full employment,  289-90 

and production of money,  230 

and a zero rate of interest,  217-18 

and reduction of money-wages,  261-2 ,  264 

and definition of marginal wage cost,  273 

and the Stock Exchange,  151 ,  316 n 

and future policy,  376-7 


and bank rate,  339 

and employment,  249 

and elasticity of employment,  287-8 

and full employment,  289-91 

and fluctuating exchanges,  270 

and the rate of interest,  217-20 ,  242-4 

of money and assets,  227 

of money and interest,  199-201 

and prices,  64 

Equilibrium, long-period

and supply price,  68-9 

and the rate of interest,  180 ,  190-1 

Equities, ownership of, dissociated from management,  153 

and the Stock Exchange,  151 n ,  158 ,  319 

Euclidean geometers, classical economists compared with,  16 

Europe, post-war trade restrictions in,  338 


fluctuating, and wage policy,  270 

rigid, and British foreign investment,  339 

Expectation,  46-51 ,  147-64 ,  293-4 

and the productivity of capital,  138 

and present and future consumption,  210 

of changes in present and future income,  95 

and liquidity,  197-9 ,  201-2 ,  205 

and changes in value of money and output,  141-2 ,  237-9 

and quantity of money,  298 

and the trade cycle,  315 ,  320-2 ,  327 

and money-wages,  69 n ,  238 ,  263-5 ,  305 

of future yield,  136 ,  147 ,  247 

long-term, defined,  47-8 ;  51 ,  147-64 ,  246 

short-term, defined,  47-8 ;  50-1 ,  148 



Fable of the Bees, Mandeville's,  106 ,  359-62 

Factor cost¾

defined,  23 ,  53 ,  67 

average,  69-70 

marginal,  55 ,  67 ,  69-75 ,  272 n 

Federal reserve system,  327 

Financial provision, see  Supplementary cost 

Financial prudence,  100-1 ,  105 ,  109 

and liquidity,  155 

and recovery in the United States,  100 ,  128 

Fiscal policy¾

and the propensity to consume,  94-5 

and wage policy,  263 

Fisher, Irving,  140-3 ,  355 ,  357 

'Flight from the currency',  207 ,  306 ,  329 

Fluctuations,  97 ,  250-4 ,  307 , see  Trade cycles 

Flux, A. W., on Interest,  176 

'Forced frugality', Bentham on,  80 

Forced saving, see  Saving 

Foreign investment, see  Investment, foreign 

Foreign trade in classical economics,  333 

in future,  382 

and mercantilism,  333-50 

and the multiplier,  120 

Fortrey, S.,  344 ,  359 

Free Trade,  333-4 ,  350 

Hobson on,  368 

Frictional unemployment, see  Unemployment, frictional 

Full employment, see  Employment, full 

Fullarton, J., On the Regulation of Currencies,  364 n 

'Future' and 'spot' prices,  222-4 



George, Henry,  354 ,  355 ,  365 

Gesell, Silvio,  32 ,  353-8 ,  375 ,  379 

Gold, suitability of, as money,  236 

mining,  130-1 ,  200 ,  230-1 

own-rate of interest of,  229 

Gold standard, and the production of money,  230-1 

and balance of trade,  337-8 ,  349 

and the Mercantilists,  348-9 

and war,  381-2 

Government, see  State 

Great Britain¾

Central Bank control in,  206 

employment and the rate of interest in,  219-20 

full employment in,  323-4 

employment and foreign trade in pre-war years in,  337 ,  348 

employment and bank rate in,  339 

Free Trade in nineteenth century in,  338 

redistribution of income in,  372 

Clarke's estimate of investment in,  102 

post-war investment and sinking funds in,  101-2 

contemporary mercantilism in,  333 

opinion and the monetary system in,  172 

the multiplier in,  122 

real and money wages in,  276 



Hales, Discourse of the Common Weal, 345 

Hansen, Alvin, Economic Reconstruction,  193 

Harrod, R. F.,  180 n ,

Harvests and Trade cycle,  320 

Hawtrey, R. G.,  51 n ,  72 n ,  75-6 ,  79 n 

Hayek, F. von,  39 n ,  59-60 ,  79 ,  80 ,  192 

Heckscher, E., Mercantilism,  341-50 ,  358 

Hoard, propensity to,  208-9 , see  Liquidity function 

Hoarding and liquidity,  160-1 ,  174 

Hoards, the Mercantilists on,  344-5 

Hobson, J. A.,  59 n ,  364-71 

Hume, essay On Money,  343 n 



Imports, restriction of,  338-9 

Improvement, motive of,  109 , see  Consume, propensity to 


Income, aggregate¾

defined,  53-4 

preliminary definition,  23-4 

definition discussed,  52-61 

and savings and investment,  63 ,  74 

and user cost,  67 

Robertson's definition,  78-9 

Marshall's definition,  59 

in Treatise on Money,  60 ,  77 

and propensity to consume,  91-2 ,  94 ,  96-7 ,  248 

its distribution,  321 ,  372-5 

and employment,  28 ,  258 

and investment,  117 ,  180-2 ,  248 

and classical theory of interest,  178-9 

and leisure, to-day,  326 

and liquidity,  171-2 ,  196-7 ,  199 

and money in long run,  306-9 

and quantity theory of money,  208-9 

statistics of, and the multiplier,  127-8 

and ordinary supply and demand curves,  281-2 

a dependent variable,  245-7 

and Hobson's theory,  369 

Income, aggregate net

defined,  57 

discussed,  57-61 

and propensity to consume,  92 ,  98 

and definition of investment,  75 

Income of entrepreneurs

defined,  53 

discussed,  53-4 

and elasticity of employment,  287 

in Treatise on Money,  60-1 

Income, net, of entrepreneurs

defined,  57 

discussed,  56-8 ,  59 ,  92 

and user cost,  68-90 

Income, real

and consumption,  91-2 ,  251 

and employment,  28 ,  114 

and change in money-wages,  262-3 

Income-deposits,  194-5 

Income-motive, see  Liquidity-preference 

Income tax¾

and propensity to consume,  94 

and inequality of wealth,  372 

and liquidity,  309 

Income-velocity of money, see  Money, income-velocity of 

India, liquidity and wealth in,  337 

Individualism, virtues of,  379-80 

Industry as a whole

demand schedules and,  258-9 

and employment function,  280 ,  285 

the place in economics of the study of,  293 

Infant industries,  339 


and the rate of interest,  202 

apparent asymmetry with deflation,  285 

post-war, in Central Europe,  207 

absolute,  305 

semi-, defined,  305 

true, defined,  119 ,  303 

Inheritance, inequalities of,  374 

Interest, rate of¾

defined,  167 ;  222 

theory of,  165-74 

properties of,  222-44 

an independent variable,  245-9 

and accumulation,  219-20 ,  335-7 ,  349 

and propensity to consume,  93-5 ,  110-12 

complex of rates,  28 ,  137 n ,  143 ,  167 n ,  168-9 ,  205-6 

and marginal efficiency of capital,  28 ,  136-7 ,  143 ,  145-6 ,  220-1 

and confidence,  149 

in crises,  207 

and employment,  288 ,  290 

and price of equities,  151 n 

and foreign trade,  339 ,  348 

and gold mining,  130 

and hoarding,  174 

and liquidity,  197-209 

and quantity of money,  79 ,  167-8 ,  171-3 ,  197-209 ,  298 ,  306-9 

and value of money,  142-3 

obstacles to a low,  202 ,  207-8 ,  309 

and monetary policy,  205-8 

and future policy,  375-6 

a psychological and conventional phenomenon,  202-4 

and processes of production,  214-17 

and public works,  119-20 

and individual saving,  210-11 

and stability,  250-3 

and the trade cycle,  315-16 ,  320-9 

and user cost,  68 ,  70 

and money-wages,  260-6 ,  269-70 

in wealthy communities,  31 ,  219-21 

in nineteenth century,  307-8 

to-day,  308-9 

in classical theory,  93 ,  165-6 ,  175-93 ,  351 

Cassel on,  176 

Carver on,  176 

Flux on,  176 

Gesell on,  355-8 

Hayek on,  192 

and Hobson's theory,  367 ,  369-70 

Locke on,  342-4 

Marshall on,  175-6 ,  186-9 

the Mercantilists on,  340-4 ,  347 

von Mises on,  192-3 

Pigou on,  186 ,  188-90 ,  274 ,  278 

Ricardo on,  190-2 

Robbins on,  192 

Robertson on,  180 n ,  187 n 

Taussig on,  176 

and usury laws,  351-3 

Interest, equilibrium rate of,  183 ,  325 

Interest, long-term rate of

and liquidity,  202 

and monetary policy,  202-4 ,  206-7 

and wage policy,  266 

Interest, 'natural' rate of,  183 ,  242-4 

Wicksell's,  183 n ,  242 

Interest, 'neutral' rate of,  183 

a definition,  243 

Interest, 'optimum' rate of, defined,  243 

Interest, own-rate of, defined,  223 ;  223-31 ,  235 ,  236 ,  240 

Interest, 'pure' rate of,  68 ,  145 ,  182 ,  208 ,  221 

Interest, short-term rate of, and policy,  203 ,  208 

Interest, compound,  163 

International Labour Office,  349 n 

International division of labour,  333 ,  338 ,

International trade

in classical economics,  333 

future of,  382 

and Mercantilism,  333-50 

and multiplier,  120 

'Inventories',  332 ,

Invest, inducement to,  27 ,  137 ,  239 ,  335 ,  347-8 ,  351 ,  353 ,  358 


Investment, aggregate or current

defined,  62 

foreshadowed,  54 

discussed,  60-4 

in summary of General Theory,  27-31 ,  248-53 

and marginal efficiency of capital,  136-7 ,  147 ,  149 

and propensity to consume,  90 ,  98-106 ,  110 

and employment,  260-1 ,  281 

and elasticity of employment,  287-8 

and expectation,  149-51 

unexpected increase in,  123-5 

its future,  375-7 

and rates of interest,  236 

and liquidity-premium on land,  241-2 

and the multiplier,  126-8 

and risk,  144-5 

and individual saving,  210-11 

and stability,  250-3 

and the State,  106 ,  164 ,  220-1 ,  320 ,  325 ,  335 ,  349 ,  351 ,  376-7 ,  380 

in British and American Statistics,  102-4 ,  

and the trade cycle,  314-32 

and user cost,  66 

and money-wages,  260-5 

and classical theory,  180-5 

Fisher on,  140-2 

Marshall on,  139-40 ,  178 ,  186-8 

and Mercantilism,  335-40 

Pigou on,  275 ,  279 

Investment, saving and,  60-5  ,  74-85 ,  183-5 ,  328 

and classical school,  177-9 

Investment demand schedule, defined,  136 

and propensity to consume,  110-11 

and expectations,  147 ,  149 

and rate of interest,  136-7 

and value of money,  142 

and classical theory of interest,  178 ,  181-3 

See also  Capital, schedule of marginal efficiency of 

Investment, foreign

and accumulation,  335-6 ,  339 ,  348-9 

in Australia,  270 

its future,  381-2 

Investment, 'full',  324 

Investment, home, and unemployment,

Kahn on,  113 

Investment-income, Hayek on,  59 

Investment markets, see  Stock Exchange 

Investment, misdirected,  321 ,  323 ,  327 

Investment multiplier¾

defined,  115 ;  248 

and quantity of money,  298-9 

in United States,  127 

Investment, negative, see  Disinvestment 

Investment, negative net,  329 

Investment, net

defined  63 

discussed,  62-5 

its vagueness,  60 

and consumption,  98 ,  326 

and the multiplier,  113 

Investment, over-,  320-4 ,  370 

Investment, public,  106 ,  163-4 , see also  State 

Investors, professional,  154-64 ,  316 

Involuntary unemployment, defined,  22 , see  Unemployment, involuntary 

Italy, wage policy in,  267 



Jevons, W. S., on the trade cycle,  329-32 

Jobber's 'turn',  159 

Johnson, Dr, and Mandeville's Fable of the Bees,  359 



Kahn, R. F.,  113 ,  115 ,  119 ,  121 ,

Keynes, J. M.,  79 n 

Essays in Biography,  362 

Treatise on Money,  49 ,  60 ,  70 ,  74 ,  77-9 ,  124 ,  151 n ,  167 n ,  169 n ,  173 ,  194-5 ,  242 ,  287 n ,  319 n 

Treatise on Probability,  148 n 

in The Nation and the Athenaeum on Protection,  334 

Knight, F. H., on Interest,  176 n 

Kuznets, S. S.,  102-4


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